Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Old vitamins learn new tricks

While many consumers come to many vitamins known to offer certain advantages on the skin, including vitamins C, E and A, leave some additional vitamins recently have shown promising results for the treatment of the issues, maintenance, and the skin. In the search to stop the aging process and reverse the signs of sun damage spent consumers $5 billion on cosmetics in 2001 according to market research, 56 percent of skin care products alone. While many consumers come to many vitamins known to offer certain advantages on the skin, including vitamins C, E and A, leave some additional vitamins recently have shown promising results for the treatment of the issues, maintenance, and the skin. speech today at the American Academy of Dermatology annual meeting in San Francisco, 2003 dermatologist Leslie Baumann, M.D., care spoke benefits through the skin of two recently studied vitamins: vitamin K and niacin, also known as vitamin B-3. "Vitamins continue to be recognised as an important role in the health of the body including the hide," said Dr. Baumann, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology and cutaneous surgery at the University of Miami School of medicine, Miami, Florida "New studies have shown that vitamin K and niacin are specifically for pigmentation problems and dry skin of advantage on the skin." Vitamin K plays an important role in blood coagulation and studies have shown strong bones in the older should be persisted. However, dermatologists have to be found recently vitamin K successfully for the treatment for dark circles under the eyes and bruises on your face. Dark circles may for some people, or simply a part of the aging process hereditary, but most people would agree that you are to hide a fight. If it starts fat pad under the eye too thin with age, it can create a sunken look under eye area. Studies have shown that inertia blood flow under the eyes can contribute too dark circles. Vitamin K was determined to represent to reduce this dark circles. A recent study published in cosmetics and skin care, contain two groups, one applied an eye cream, Sun block and another containing the applied under eye cream, that a combination of vitamin K and retinol. An examination of eye color at the beginning of the study and at the end of a significant improvement in the group with the vitamin K and retinol combination found. "Whether dark circles under my eyes was shown a result of aging, genetics or sun damage, vitamin K, associated with the swelling and discoloration to reduce this often disturbing problem", said Dr. Baumann. "Feel that men for under eye area are no longer covers their circles patients, please see eye skin treatments that contain vitamin K or a combination of vitamin K plus retinol which was shown to collagen production in your skin looking boost." Vitamin K has also recently because of its impact on reducing the bruises after specific dermatological procedures have been reviewed. In a recent study published in the journal of the American Academy of Dermatology patients underwent laser treatments to reduce the appearance of spider veins on the face. Because the laser treatment can cause bruising, half the patients topical vitamin K on applied half your faces for two weeks before the laser treatment and a placebo, the other half of your face cream. Other patients applied vitamin K to a half of the face and the placebo, the other half after the treatment. Before the heavy contusions clearly affect the procedure, after the procedure of the vitamin K noticed a significant reduction in the severity of bruises patients applied during the application of topical vitamin K. "Topical vitamin K the amount of time can reduce deeply to heal some patients,"said Dr. Baumann."This is especially important for those, who feel uncomfortable with the often short-term bruising can be visible after laser treatments." A topical vitamin promise as over-the-counter traded ingredient shows in anti-aging products is Niacin--a component of the B vitamin complex has many derivatives. A derivative of niacin, NICOTINAMIDE, has shown the top layer of the skin to moisture, reserve the right to improve the ability of the epidermis. In a recent study, topical NIACINAMIDE was applied to the skin for six days. According to the survey reported all patients of soft, smooth skin, less drought and flakiness and reducing fine lines. "The benefits for the skin can be useful after the application of NICOTINAMIDE for patients with atopic dermatitis, who often experience dry, irritated skin, if the disease torches", Dr. Baumann beat. "This could be a more promising treatment for aging skin, which is often dry and flaky and older as we also become." NIACINAMIDE, another derivative, has also been shown that an effective skin brightening agent for skin diseases where Hyperpigmention, may occur on the face or other visible parts of the body, to be. Patients with hyperpigmentation apply a moisturizer with 5% NIACINAMIDE. After four weeks hyperpigmentation and skin were analyzed color computer and most patients experienced decreased hyperpigmentation and increased skin lightness. Current NIACINAMIDE has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties making it for acne, rosacea and a blistering type disease treatment. Recent studies also noted that niacin and its derivatives Chemopreventative have effects. Applying mouse skin produces a 70 percent reduction in topical NIACINAMIDE ultraviolet-induced skin cancer. "Vitamins provide many benefits for the skin, but with so many various vitamins and other derivatives to find consumers on what ingredients be confused can and which select products," said Dr. Baumann. "The best way to find answers about the best products for a specific skin type select or to correct one area of concern is to see who can provide the proper guidance to your dermatologist to find."

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