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How Fasting Benefits the Body
Within 24 hours of curtailing food intake, enzymes used to digest food stop entering the stomach and travel instead into the intestines and into the bloodstream. During this change the enzymes?circulate and breakdown?all sorts of waste matter, including dead and damaged cells, unwelcome microbes, metabolic wastes, and pollutants.During fasting?organs and glands involved in the digestion process also get a much-needed and well-deserved rest. During this time?the tissues are purified and rejuvenated and rebalanced so they can operate again as designed and at peak performance.
Bottom line: the fasting process triggers a series of?cleansing events?down to the cell and tissue level.
Biological Effects
Fasting and caloric restriction produce various?beneficial biological effects, including but not limited to:
Diminishing of aging forces, such as?lowering of the rate of gene damage,?reduction of free-radical production,?reduction of metabolic rate (i.e. rate of aging),?lowering of body temperature,?lowering of protein glycation, etc.Increasing anti-aging forces such as the?enhancement of gene reparation,?free radical neutralization,?protein turnover (protein regeneration),?immune response,?mono-oxygenase systems, and optimization of neuroendocrine functions??Cleanses the blood of toxins. This is extremely important to overall health since the blood is responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body, as well as?removing?metabolic wastes from the cells for excretion in the kidneys and lungs. The blood is also where the immune system works. The blood?circulates white blood cells; enzymes and other immunity factors that are responsible for attacking invaders?that can affect our health. If the blood is not cleansed it can not perform these life essential functions. If your blood is not cleansed well,?on a regular basis, your body will react to assist?purges itself of the toxins spontaneously in form of diarrhea, skin erruptions )e.g., acne, boils, rashes, pimples, liver spots, etc.),?foul perspiration, body odor, bad breath, and so forth, or else it simply gives up the battle and succumbs to?fatal diseases and conditions. Restores proper Ph of the blood. When acid builds up to intolerable levels in the blood, the bloodstream deposits the acid as crystals in the various joints, where they form spurs that can literally 'cement' your joints together and supplant the natural synovial fluids that lubricate joints. The result is thus painful, debilitating arthritis. Fasting permits enzymes to enter the joints and?dissolve these crystals, thereby restoring the synovial fluids and recovering joint mobility. Cleanses the entire alimentary canal (stomach, small intestines, large intestine/colon)Improves cognitive and behavioral functionsImproves energy metabolismImproves protein and lipids metabolismImproves neuroendocrine and hormonal system functionImprove sex drive and function. Clogged toxic colons negatively influence both male and female sexuality by pressing against and thereby interfering with sexual organs and glands that can impede sexual function and fertility. Improves joint mobility.Simulate natural Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels. HGH is an important hormone to the body. The reduction of HGH, which regulates levels of other hormones in the body (including testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and melatonin) is directly responsible for many of the most common signs of growing old, such as wrinkles, gray hair, decreased energy, decrease in muscle, increase in body fat, and diminished sexual function. Increasing natural HGH levels can boost the immune system, increase?energy, improve mood, improve sex drive and sexual function,?improve lean muscle/fat ratio,?improve memory, improve sleep and reduce stress/cortisol levelsStudies on Fasting and Health
Several recent studies support calorie restriction as having anti-aging properties.??Mounting evidence also demonstrates?fasting and caloric restriction prevent and cure diseases,
AllergiesAsthmatic bronchitis, Bronchial asthma Arteriosclerosis and Heart DiseaseChronic fatigue syndromeDiabetesGastrointestinal diseases (e.g., IBS)HypertensionImpotence/infertility.?Clogged toxic colons negatively influence both male and female sexuality by pressing against and thereby interfering with sexual organs and glands.Insulin senstivityMental disordersNeurogical disorders?ObesityRheumatoid arthritisSkin disordersStrokeSleeping disordersReferences/Sources
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