Anti-aging medicine is the latest clinical medical specialty to test the "optimal" wellness and preventive longevity and extensive therapies and treatment in the health care beyond only cholesterol and employs mammography. A deeply profound paradigm shift in the way the medical establishment views, aging and age-related diseases now underway. Anti-aging medicine is medicine based on the very early detection, prevention and reversal of age-related diseases. Anti-Aging Medicine includes lifestyle changes (diet and exercise); Hormone replacement therapies than benotigten--determined by a doctor by blood tests (DHEA, melatonin, thyroid gland, HGH, estrogen, testosterone); Antioxidants and vitamin supplements; and test protocols which can measure not only hormone levels and blood chemistry, but each metabolic factors in your body to the cellular level.
Why it is important? We require the demography of aging more preventive change from the current disease-based model of medicine, to one. The older ranks will enter 76 million baby boomers in the next three decades. Our company is therefore preventive live longer, = anti aging medicine can improve your quality of life. 90% of all adult disease is due to the degenerative processes of ageing.These include heart disease, the most cancers, adult-onset diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, arthritis, autoimmune disease, glaucoma and Alzheimer.Viele of the Sedreaded diseases are preventable and treatable also reversible with proper change of lifestyle diet and medication
With early detection and appropriate intervention many age related diseases have prevented, cured or delayed.
With our ageing society and the rising cost of medical care, our requires a radically different approach as we show nation health and medical treatment aging.

Jeff Behar, MS, MBA is a recognised health, fitness and nutrition expert, schreiben.Seine work is regularly informed about current topics relating to health, fitness, disease prevention, nutrition, anti-aging and alternative medicine health often in several major health and fitness newsletter, and fitness magazines and to great health and fitness sites angezeigt.Behar is also a good personal trainer, motivational and weight loss expert desires.
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