Friday, November 19, 2010

Improve the brain power as we age

Cognitive decline was long considered inevitable consequence of aging, but recent years have seen a surge of interest in activities and PR increase-brain-power oducts touted to avoid this result. What is the truth? Decline is inevitable, or is there a possibility of keeping our faculties if we exercise? And what types of exercises and products are effective and which are just hype?

A new study in psychological science in the public interest, a magazine of the Association for psychological science is published and supported by a grant from the National Institute on aging considered by aging, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline in older adults and what, if anything can be done to stop or slow down the process.

According to the most rigorous and comprehensive review of scientific knowledge about aging and cognitive decline ever, there are clear signs brain_power changes, that specific lifestyle and behavior could preserve brain power and slow cognitive decline by aging, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

More and more anti aging studies demonstrate that cognitive enrichment activities as intellectually stimulating, activities, social commitment and especially physical exercise can maintain or various aspects of cognitive function (brain power), improve as we age.

This recent study researchers, you indicate studies confirm that the commitment in intellectually stimulating activities have significant cognitive benefits for older adults.A study shows that activities such as reading can help every day.

Four thousand old people were recruited for a study and assessed your abundance participate in seven cognitive activities (e.g. reading magazines). The researchers of in-home interviews carried out and the participants tested cognitive function for almost 6 years.Those involved experienced on aging supported a reduced rate which was cognitive Verfall.Diese monograph in more cognitive activity by a grant from the National Institute.

Social commitment and maintain a positive attitude are powerful tools in the arrive of the dementia. deterWho motivates positive and optimistic, pleasant, open experience targeted, conscientiously, are more likely to experience successful aging.Animal research supported these findings.These studies show that the exposure of animals to enriched or complex environments (in General including the running wheels, a variety of toys and objects to climb and animal companions) yields several physiological benefits, including neural changes in the brain.

Your brain is in better shape if you are working from.The authors of this report show on a recent study consider 5925 women over the age of 65 Jahren.Forscher rated your physical activity with the question of women how many blocks they went a day and how many flights of stairs, you daily women, participating in 33 different physical Aktivitaten.Mit also responds to a questionnaire in detail view of the cognitive function of these women 6 to 8 years later, found bestiegen.Die researchers most active women a 30 percent reduced risk of cognitive decline cognition was associated with hatte.Interessanterweise Fu, but walking was speed nicht.Es seems even moderate levels can be physical activity to limit decrease of knowledge in older adults.

Science in this report also debunks the old saw: "old dogs new tricks to learn."While older adults generally new jobs learn more slowly than younger people do, yet their cognitive performance, you can improve by to keep their heads and bodies in the form.

View the original article here

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