Saturday, November 13, 2010

Eat vegetables slow mental decline

Healthy aging rush Institute conducted a study to examine the association between cognitive change rates and dietary consumption of fruits and vegetables among older people.

The study was prospective cohort study 3,718 participants aged 65 and over the Chicago health and aging project.

Participants a food frequency questionnaire filled out and at least two of the three cognitive assessments at baseline, 3 years and 6 year follow-ups were managed.

Cognitive function was measured with the Z-score average four tests: the East Boston tests of the immediate memory and delayed recall, the mini-mental state examination and the icon digit modalities test.

The researchers reported that eating three portions of leafy green, yellow and cruciferous vegetables can slow the loss of mental function as people age, possibly as much as 40 percent.

Researchers suspect that because vegetables have a higher content of vitamin E as fruit is. fruits were a part of the study, but had little to no effect on cognitive decline.

A study published in neurology had concluded that high quantities of vegetables can be mapped to usage a slower rate of cognitive decline in older people.

View the original article here

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