Monday, November 8, 2010

Fitness and childhood IQ indicators of cognitive ability aged

Depends how well your mind in the age works on physical fitness and your IQ score as a child, according to a study published 10, in October 2006, issue of Neurology, the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Associated with better cognitive aging in determining whether physical fitness, the study mental 1932 had been investigating 460 men and women, the participants in the survey of the Scottish. The participants were tested with the same cognitive test at the age of eleven and age 79. Results show physical fitness contributed more than three percent of the difference in the cognitive ability of age after accounting for subscriber's test results at the age of 11 years. Physical fitness is time to six metres on foot, grip strength and lung function defined. "The other notable result was childhood IQ at the age of 79, was significantly related to lung function," said study author Ian Deary, PhD, FRCPE, with the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. "Participants with a high IQ as a child were rather better pulmonary function in aged 79 have." "This could be because people with higher intelligence on health messages about staying fit more could respond positively." The study found however physical fitness has major effects on cognitive age as childhood IQ. "The important results of the study is that fitness age, contributes to the better cognitive ability," says Deary. "So two people is starting with the same IQ at the age of 11, which have healthier person at the age of 79 on average better cognitive function,." The study also found employment and vocational training at the age of 79 fitness were associated with. People with more education and more professions had better fitness and higher cognitive test results. Deary says intervention programs aimed at the elderly fitter good candidates, cognitive aging to improve. UK biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council supported the study. The American Academy of Neurology, an Association of more than 19,000 neurologists and neuroscience professionals dedicated to improving patient care through education and research. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor with training in diagnosis, treatment and management of disorders of the brain and nervous system such as multiple sclerosis, restless legs syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, narcolepsy and specialized stroke. For more information about the American Academy of Neurology, visit

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