Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Diabetes myths to dispel baby boomer health

There are many myths surrounding diabetes. Many baby boomers were raised with misconceptions about the disease. For this reason, your health can be seriously jeopardized. Are you at risk?

According to Dr. Gerald Bernstein, Director of medical affairs at Generex Biotechnology Corporation, a biotechnology company in the research, development and marketing of drug delivery systems employs and he has not much changed in more than forty years, the technologies for patients with diabetes, patient perception about diabetes two great NYC hospitals practicing medicine hat.Laut Dr. Bernstein he is still the same incorrect positions today about diabetes when he a former Director of the Beth Israel diabetes management program health care system was several years ago.These misunderstandings can have serious effects on health of baby boomers, if not intiated is a re-education process.

"In this day and age, I still patients, who believe that you developed diabetes by eating too much sugar", says Dr. Bernstein. Although doctors and researchers are still not sure what are the causes of illness, Dr. Bernstein insists, bad eating habits like too much refined sugar, no diabetes causes empty carbs and fructose

The following are some of the most common myths related to diabetes.? "Baby boomers with misconceptions about the disease triggered were compromised might," advises Dr. Bernstein, the Director medical affairs at Generex Biotechnology Corporation, a biotechnology company in the research, development and marketing of drug delivery systems and technologies for patients with diabetes. "There is no substitute for know."

Since I don't have to insulin syringes, my diabetes is a serious condition: A surprising number of people believe this lie still. Non-insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes) destructive high blood glucose levels can produce if kept under control. Type grows 2 diabetes often harder time, so a patient starts with low numbers probably from diet and control, then must exercise-based blood sugar drugs on progress on oral diabetes. It is often better to early with insulin to instead of waiting it to to start using it as a last resort.Many older patients find your "oral medications" have time ineffective and may keep insulin injections, effective diabetes control must go. "Type 2 Iabetes, even pre diabetes is serious, even if your blood sugar is not high," warns Dr. Bernstein. Diabetes that through a simple inhaler like device works providing insulin through the membranes of the oral cavity of spray new methods such as oral insulin as Generex oral LynTM, an insulin for the treatment of type I and type II."I can tell if my blood sugar levels are too high or too low:" this myth is dangerous, because in the hospital wind can ignore symptoms of hyperglycemia, which is difficult to detect by the way you feel, "says Dr. Bernstein." Making do without a regular blood sugar is to guess tests such as flying without a parachute or cross the street with your eyes are geschlossen.Sie. "Learn your body's signals if you get into trouble, but make sure your use glucose monitor to be sure." Dr. Bernstein advises people with diabetes, take a glucose RapidSprayTM can quickly, easily and efficiently deliver up to the mouth of a user-friendly spray bottle at the first sign of glucose deficiency glucose. Diabetes will make you go blind: According to Dr. Bernstein while it is true, that all people with diabetes from blindness, heart problems and kidney disease are threatened, it is also true that in this day and age a small percentage actually the full brunt of such complications as before 30 years of experience."Patients controls, its your blood sugar, the less progress probably more serious complications associated with diabetes are the better." "Someone already experience the side effects of diabetes must achieve and maintain the strictest possible control to minimize your more progression." I can't eat what I like anymore: "This is an error when you consider that what the"diabetic diet"is now actually a balanced and reasonable food plan is that imposing, would be healthy for everyone with or without disease progression.""Remember, you can"have your cake and eat it too"but if you want to eat something rich in carbohydrates, must it out balance by a corresponding amount of carbohydrates or sugar from somewhere else in your diet, cutting" proposes Dr. Bernstein. "Patients have a good deal more flexibility in your diet as you might suspect;" "The rest is just a matter of maintenance and moderation." Very often, you can eat what you want but just not as much as you want.Diabetes is the beginning of the end: "I still patients, who believe my life over are once set complications," says Dr. Bernstein. "The reality is that with the appropriate skills and way of thinking and the possession of monitoring equipment, patients with diabetes can still full of life with severe complications."Many diabetics, even insulin-dependent, living in old age.

"Pay attention to your body. keep doing what your diabetes - for baby boomers before, this is no time for surprises!"Consult with your doctor or your diabetes education."Discuss exercise plans, and any adjustment in medications with your doctor first."

Type 2 diabetes is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or adult diabetes mellitus (AODM) .Typ 2 diabetes affects nearly 21 million in the United States and around the world almost 200 million people.

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels, caused by the body's inability to use insulin to blood glucose into the cells for energy to verschieben.Bei can type 2 diabetes patients still produce insulin, but so relatively inadequate for your body's needs, especially in the light of insulin resistance do as above beschrieben.In means many cases actually the pancreas produces larger than normal amounts of insulin.

Diabetes is a major cause of heart disease and stroke, as the most common cause of blindness, kidney failure and amputation in adults in the United States.

More information!?

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