Tuesday, November 9, 2010

May help improve performance of memory problems

Adults with memory problems participated in a home-based physical activity program experienced a modest improvement in cognitive function compared to those who participated in the programme according to a study in the issue September 3, 2008 of the JAMA.

As the world's population ages, the number of older adults living with Alzheimer's disease (AD) is estimated to increase from the current 26.6 million to 106.2 million by 2050."If disease onset may be delayed by 12 months, auftreten.Aus would worldwide 9.2 million fewer cases of AD therefore attempts were made to identify individuals, to test an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease and interventions, the progression of prodromal symptoms [early nonspecific symptom or a number of symptoms] to full-blown dementia could delay" the authors write.

Nicola t. lute song, MD, from the University of Melbourne, Australia and colleagues conducted a randomized controlled trial to test whether a physical activity intervention would reduce the cognitive decline among 138 adults age 50 years and older increased risk of dementia. And participants, the memory problems reported, but does not meet criteria for dementia, randomly received an education and usual care group or a 24-week home-based program of physical activity.

The objective of the intervention was participants at least 150 minutes moderate intensity of physical activity per week, do some participants asked abgeschlossen.Die were in three 50-minute sessions each week most often recommended, type of activity was feet.The intervention resulted in 142 minutes more physical activity per week or 20 minutes per day than with usual Sorgfalt.kognitive function was with the Alzheimer's disease scale-cognitive subscale of assessment (ADAS-COG; measuring tool consists of a series of cognitive tests) judged over 18 months.

The researchers found that trial delayed end, participants in the exercise group had better ADAS-COG results and callback as those in the usual care control group. participants in the physical activity group had lower clinical dementia assessment scores than those in the usual care group.

"To our knowledge is to show the first this study that exercise cognitive function in older adults with subjective and objective mild cognitive impairment verbessert.Die benefits of physical activity were obviously after 6 months and persisted for at least another 12 months after the interventions set hatte.Die average improvement of 0.69 points on the ADAS-COG score in comparison with usual care control group 18 months it is small but potentially important considered the relatively modest amount of physical activity, by the participants in the study", the authors write.

"In contrast to drugs, which found no significant effect on mild cognitive impairment 36 months, physical activity has the advantage of the health benefits that are not limited to cognitive function alone, as suggested by data on quality of life, depression, disability, waterfalls, cardiovascular function." (JAMA. 2008; 300 [9]: 1027-1037)

Editor's Note: Please for contributions and affiliations, financial information, funding and support, see the article for more information, including other authors, author.

In an accompanying editorial comments Eric B. Larson, MD, the Group Health Center for health studies, Seattle, the findings concerning the exercise and cognitive function.

"Progress of the past century led health to more individuals, the survivors to extreme age, as significantly increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias."Brain health affect Ubung-and possibly other lifestyle factors appear, vascular risk and late life."Social factors such as providing universal education, general medical care, an environment, adequate nutrition, habitual exercise, and opportunities for more social interactions during the lifetime also may bear in addition to traditional medical approaches to prevent this dreaded disease significantly to the improvement of the well-being in late life."(JAMA. 2008; 300 [9]: 1078 1079).

About cognitive impairment

A transitional period between normal aging and dementia is mild cognitive impairment, according to background information in the article.Previous studies have found an association between mild cognitive impairment and diabetes.Poor blood sugar control during which neuron loss can cause time and diabetes is heart disease and stroke, which can increase the risk of cognitive impairment associated with.

About Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that ist.Alzheimer disease that most common cause of dementia, 24 million people worldwide betrubt.Die Alzheimer's disease is not a normal part of aging and is characterized by impairment of memory and lastly by errors in the reasoning, planning, language and perception not something that inevitably happens in the later Leben.Es is rarely before the age of 65 gesehen.Die probability of having Alzheimer's disease increases considerably after the age of 70 and can affect approximately 50% of people in the age of 85.

Dementia is a progressive brain dysfunction (in Latin "dementia" means irrationality), which results in a restriction of daily activities and in most cases in the long term leads to the need for the Pflege.Demenz that most can cause many diseases a being of Alzheimer's disease.

The probability with dementia increases with advancing Alter.Demenz occurs often after mainly in the second half of our life at the age of 65 Jahren.Die incidence of dementia increases with the increasing age of less than 2% for the 65-69 year olds, 5% for the year suffers from 75-79 years old and more than 20% for the year 85-89-jahrigen.Jeder else of moderate or severe dementia (Bickel, psycho 1996, 4-8) about 90 years alt.Etwa suffer from half of affected by dementia of the Alzheimer's disease.

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