Thursday, November 4, 2010

Natural agent slows aging in mice

Early results from a three site federal study mice live longer when fed an anti-inflammatory substance found in the Bush creosote. The substance extends the average life. Whether allows the mice than your maximum expected life life will be known in six to ten months. Aspirin pan not. As little as two other potential an anti-aging agent. But a synthetic derivative of one stabbing desert shrub is now a front runner in current animal testing to find out if certain chemicals, known that the inflammation, cancer and other destructive processes, inhibit the quote to live longer can boost. Today at the annual meeting of the American aging Association, University of Michigan scientists Richard A. Miller reports early results from a mouse study that his lab and two others for the National Institute on aging are performing. The study will test more than two dozen possible an anti-aging agent in animals now in its fourth year in the next five years. The other centres are the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas, and the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine. Scientists were surprised, so fast that an agent showed promise: NDGA, a combination of creosote bushes derived. This common North American desert shrubs traditionally used remedies as healing by Indians.

The preliminary results in the journal aging cell, published in August will show that male mice of a normal diet fed and NDGA have so far in much greater numbers than mice on a normal diet uberlebt.Wissenschaftler measured the difference at one point, the average lifetime, when half of the control mice from natural causes, died of aging associated with.

"This is the first time to my knowledge, if an agent was shown to the average life in three laboratories, expand" says Miller, Professor of Pathology at the U-M medical school and Director of the U-M associate geriatrics. There is also a scientist at the Ann Arbor VA Medical Center. There was no significant difference in female mice. Scientists cannot explain why at this point. "We don't know how NDGA having its effect on survival in this first analysis is," Miller says. "It may be that the female mice have other ways to death and disability as a result of your hormonal status or higher or lower levels of NDGA need to see an effect." The large, carefully controlled study at three locations, called the NIA interventions testing program is intended to provide some of the first reliable data about potential drugs to slow aging and its associated ills. Miller says previous studies have rule were too small and the results of which confirm hard to in subsequent studies. "The National Institute on aging decided to do studies of its kind in the right way grants to three institutions," he says.In six to 10 months once died all mice in the control group, scientists are answers to the really burning question: the mice fed NDGA, alongside the middle-aged, already good live via the normal outer limits of age? the longest that usually live is around 1,000 to 1,100 days mice of this type. "If NDGA turns to extend maximum lifetime of 20 or 30 percent people that would accept as an important finding," says Miller.

No one looks forward to these initial results in mice creosote Bush is leaves as a way to bulk up to defy age advise.When NDGA envelope in the final results of this study presses the aging process, other labs will probably try to repeat the results in animals.Much more research is necessary before every possible human aging drug could arise, says Miller.

"If this agent turns out, to be good for mice, it will be impossible without saying careful study of the people, whether at NDGA is beneficial, useless for people harmful ist.Gelegentlich, something harmless in mice turns as hochgiftig for people," Miller warns, adding that the food and Drug Administration do not evaluate safety such vegetable Heilmittel.Randy strong from the University of Texas Health Science Center, David E. Harrison Jackson Laboratory and Miller are project, scientists at the senior employee in the National Institute on aging Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, the University of Florida and Milan is umfasst.Die research by the National Institute on Aging, financed part of the national institutes of health.

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