Thursday, November 25, 2010

The best anti aging Nutritiion tips for looking young

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Young looking womanWhile aging is inevitable, physical decrepitude is not. Many of the outwards signs of growing old can be slowed, and life may even be prolonged by maintaining a sensible approach to diet.

The following anti-aging nutrition tips can not only delay father time, but increase your quality of life and increase your lifespan too!

Avoid Smoking.? no smoking symbolSmoking is the greatest preventable cause of death. Almost a half a million people will die each year from smoking. Smoking is associated with a 60 per cent increase in eye damage, an early onset of menopause and an increased risk of several types of cancer, liver and heart disease. The effects of smoking on skin aging have been recognized for a long time.? A 1965 study first identified what came to be known as "smokers face" - gray, pale and wrinkled skin. In recent years much research has focused on smoking and its aging effect on the body. It is now broadly accepted that the skin of smokers is damaged by smoking making them look older than non-smokers. It is believed by the medical community that smoking adds between 10-20 years to your natural age because of the skin damage it causes. Smoking effects the skin in many ways.? It accelerates damage through the production of free radicals.It causes a dull appearance to the skin - loss of skin glow and vitalityIt causes skin discoloration skin (an ashy look on white skin)It deepens wrinkles around the mouth and eyes
It causes loss of tone and elasticity more than with the normal aging process

If you want to live long and live healthy, avoid smoking at all costs. All forms or tobacco are age thieves, including cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars, pipes, and anything else with tobacco in it.?

Limit Alcohol of redwine Excessive alcohol consumption will age you quickly.? Drinking too much alcohol can raise the levels of some fats in the blood (triglycerides). It can also lead to high blood pressure, heart failure, liver damage and an increased calorie intake? A high intake of alcohol also inhibits the absorption of of calcium into bone and speeds up the process of bone loss. Although alcohol is low in fat content, it is very high in empty calories. What many people do not know is alcohol also activates an enzyme that takes up fat from our bloodstream and stores it in fat cells. Therefore, any food you consume in combination with alcohol is more likely to end up in a fat-storage deposit areas like the hips, thighs and abs. Alcohol also lowers our inhibitions, making us more likely to make poorer food choices. Moderation is the key. Stick to one glass a day. Choose red wine if possible. Why? Because over the past several decades, many studies have been published in science journals about how drinking alcohol may be associated with reduced mortality due to heart disease in some populations. Some researchers have suggested that the benefit may be due to wine, especially red wine. It is important to note however that other scientists beleive the potential benefits from the red wine come from other? components in red wine such as flavonoids and other antioxidants in reducing heart disease risk. These components may be found in other foods such as grapes or red grape juice. Therefore until direct evidence is found it might be more prudent to lower heart disease risk through other methods such as increased physical activity, and a diet high in fruits and vegetables and lower in saturated fats.

Limit Caffeine.? cup of black coffeeCaffeine is a very powerful drug with very quick, noticeable and measurable effects on the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and digestive system. It can make people nervous, jittery, tense and stressed. It can often lead to bowel irritation and diarrhea. Caffeine is a diuretic that promotes water loss from the body which can cause health effects as well. Last but not least, a high intake of caffeine inhibits the absorption of of calcium into bone and speeds up the process of bone loss. . Treat caffeine as you would alcohol - a little bit once in a while is okay. Moderation is the key. Stick to one or two small cups a day.

Drink more water. Tbottled waterhe human brain is composed of 95% water; blood is 82% water; the lungs are nearly 90% water. As one can imagine water is also the single most critical nutrient for health, growth, and development. It is not only the most important nutrient in the body, but also the most abundant. Water is critical to the balance of all the body's systems, including the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys and muscles.

How important is this balance? A 2% drop in body water can cause a small but critical shrinkage of the brain, which can impair neuromuscular coordination, decrease concentration, and slow thinking. Dehydration can also reduce endurance, decrease strength, cause cramping, cause headaches, lack of energy, tired and lethargic sensations, injuries, hot flashes and achy joints and muscles have seen to be associated with dehydration. Think of it this way: Every tissue, cell, organ and system is composed of water and functions optimally only in the presence of adequate water levels. Proper hydration is required for maintaining healthy blood flow, proper kidney function, proper sodium/potassium /electrolyte balance and proper digestive functions.

Degeneration associated with aging will occur at a quicker rate if you are dehydrated.Water is extremely important to the joints. Because the synovial fluid contains water, if you become dehydrated less synovial fluid is available to protect the joints.Thewrefore increasing your water consumption will give you more "spring to your step". If most people would commit to drinking eight to twelve glasses of water every day they would notice a great improvement in their overall health and energy. They would also find their skin looking healthier, with more color, more glow and a reduction in wrinkles too.

Eat Natural Foodfiber sourcess in Their Natural State. Perhaps our biggest nutritional mistake has been turning away from foods in their natural state. We have replaced them with processed foods that have been modified to last longer, be easier to manufacture and distribute, and be more convenient to store and use. Take apple juice as an example. Even the simple act of removing the pulp to make apple juice detracts from its value for both health and weight loss. A medium size apple contains just 72 calories, and over 3 grams of fiber, while 8 fl oz of apple juice contains 120 calories and no fiber at all. And we're just talking about pure, "healthy" apple juice. Natural foods are nutritious and contain much of what is good for us, including vitamins and minerals, fiber, the cancer-fighting antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables, and the sustained energy provided by whole grains and complex carbohydrates. They reduce our risk of? heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Because of their nutrient and fiber content, natural foods are healthy for us and help keep us slim.?

Skip Heavily Processed Foods. Heavily processed foods are substantially less nuheavily_processed_frozen_foodstritious and contain much of what is not good for us, including sodium, preservatives, sugars, saturated fats and trans fats. The most nutritious part of whole grains is the outer cover, the part that is removed to make white flour and white rice. Because of their lack of nutrient and fiber content, and all their additives, heavily processed foods can be unhealthy for us and help us gain weight. Processed foods should only complement a diet that is rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole wheat grainsEat healthy, natural foods with a high ratio of nutrients to calories and you will not be fat and you will not go hungry. You will be healthier, too.?

Add Fiber to your Diet.? Increasing fiber will help you be more regular and pass any toxins consumed in the diet quicker. this will lead to overall better health, less risk for obesity and fat gain, and a reduction in risk to several life shortening diseases including but not limited to heart disease, diabetes and food logos

Reduce "Bad Fat" Intake. "Bad fats" include saturated fats and transfats. Both, increase the risk to life shortening diseases, such heart disease. Additionally, dietary fat is very easily converted to body fat. Controlling your fat intake is important in controlling the weight gain associated with aging. Try to imit any food choices that are higher than 20 per cent fat content. Some obvious foods to avoid are:? Fried foods - saturated in fat and oil and calories!???Creams - typically very high in saturated fat content?Processed foods such as cakes and cookies and most precooked entrees

Choose instead wholesome, fresh foods, which will always be higher in nutrients and lower in fat.

Add "Good Fat" to the Diet..?Fat is an amazing fuel that providsalmon fish and vegetableses a limitless amount of energy. Instead of hating fat and blaming it for all our problems, we should be astounded and respect it for its outstanding capabilities. Certain fatty acids are also necessary for good health, and some fat-soluble vitamins require fat for absorption into the system. Unsaturated fats, especially the monounsaturated ones, are considered healthier; they are found in nuts, seeds, vegetable oils and soft margarine products. Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) while increasing HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). Nuts including peanuts, walnuts, almonds and pistachios, avocado, canola and olive oil are high in MUFAs. MUFAs have also been found to help in weight loss, particularly body fat. Polyunsaturated fats also lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Seafood like salmonfish oil, as well as corn, soy, safflower and sunflower oils are high in polyunsaturated fats. Omega 3 fatty acids belong to this group. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, and even enhance cognitive function. Omega-3 fats supply nutrients to brain cells and enhance their growth, therfefore there are studies that suggest that adding such good fats to the diet can reduce your risk to Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Saturated fats are found in animal products such as beef, butter, dairy products and lard; they tend to raise blood cholesterol levels, thereby increasing increasing risk of heart disease.???

Reduce Salt Intake. By controlling your salt intake, you can reduce the risk of developing hypertension, stroke and other heart diseases. Thrfow away the salt shaker. If you want to boost taste of certain foods, use salt-free spices such as basil, oregano or pepper.?

Reduce Sugar Intakesugar cubes. By controlling your sugar intake, you can reduce the risk of developing adult-onset diabetes, obesity and other weight related chronic disease that accelerate the aging process and reduce life expectancy.When it comes to watching your sugar intake, choose products with a sugar content that is less than 10 per cent of the total carbohydrate content. It is important to recognize that many processed foods labeled as no-fat or low-fat products can actually contain lots of sugar and lots of calories. These two items can pack on weight, increase your risk of weight related diseases, as well as expand your waist line. Both can have an aging effect on the body.

Go Nutty. Mamixed nutsny nuts are heart healthy. Nuts like almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts and walnuts decrease the LDL cholesterol and control the total cholesterol level in the bod, and can reduce the risk of heart disease dramatically. Other benefits of eating nuts and seeds include:
Nuts are rich in arginine, antioxidants and vitamin E that can reduce cholesterol levels. Nuts contain folic acids that can reduce homocysteine, which induces heart disease.? Magnesium, calcium and potassium in nuts reduce the blood pressure. Ellagic acid in nuts is anti-carcinogenic. Campesterol and beta-sitosterol can decrease the risk of prostate and breast cancers. Arginine in nuts increases immunity and reduces the risk of tumor growth. Magnesium can improve the blood flow.
Nuts like almonds contain plant sterols and flavonoids like naringenin and catechin which are effective antioxidants. Almonds are also rich source of magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, riboflavin, copper and vitamin E. Almonds helps to reduce body weight.Nuts like almonds and walnuts can help lower blood pressure, body fat and body mass index (BMI).
Walnuts are rich in nutrients and are the main source of omega-3 fatty acids. This can reduce cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, and even enhance cognitive function. Omega-3 fats supply nutrients to brain cells and enhance their growth. Omega-3 fats can also help to reduce disorders in sleeping, behavior and learning, commonly found in children.

Increase your Vegetable Consumption. Eating five servingcolorful_vegetable_platters a day of vegetables helps keep you looking good, keeps blood sugar levels stable, and also helps keep you healthy by providing important vitamins and minerals that your body needs. There are numerous studies showing that those who increase their daily servings of fruit and vegetables lower their risk dramatically for insulin resistance, obesity, hypertension, heart attacks, and cancer.

Choose the Colorful veggies. Colorful fruits and vegetables of the vine get their wide range of vivid colors from health-protecting substances such as lycopene, vitamin C and vitamin A. Use them generously in dishes to enhance nutrients with very few calories.

Detox. Odetoxur bodies are constantly assaulted from pollution, stress, bad posture, sedentary jobs and our own bad eating habits. Over the months and years, the effects of these pollutants, toxins and food additives can effect the body in many ways, ranging from skin problems, to headaches, lethargy, ulcers, heart disease and various cancer.? By detoxing we give our bodies a break.When we detox, two things happen. First , we stop overloading our body with harmful substances and secondly, we give it plenty of the right nutrients to actually speed up the elimination of toxins and promote cell renewal.? There are many ways to detox the body, from mild cleanses, adding fiber to the diet to more serious cleanses.? Serious cleanses should only be done under the care of a qualified medical professional.

Bottom Line and Good Nutrition and Anti-Aging

Healthy eating is only one part of anti-aging, but an important one which can help slow down the aging process. Healthy eating combined with other lifestyle changes like limiting alcohol consumption, not smoking and increasing physical activity can not only help you look younger, but it can help you feel younger, increase the quality of your life and increasde your lifespan too!

Jeff Behar, MS, MBA Jeff Behar, MS, MBA Jeff Behar, MS, MBA is a recognized health, fitness and nutrition expert, regularly writing about hot topics in the areas of health, fitness, disease prevention, nutrition, anti aging and alternative medicine. His work also often appears in several of the major health and fitness newsletters, health and fitness magazines, and on? major health, and fitness websites. Behar is also a well sought after personal trainer, motivational speaker, and weight loss expert.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Healthy older brains have not significantly reduced over time according to new research.

young_girl_and_grandfather.jpgThe belief that healthy older brains is substantially smaller than younger brains not are possibly arising from studies, people which go undetected, slowly developing brain disease was, kill cells in key areas, according to new research.

As a result, previous findings can atrophy and normal size for the older brain underestimated by the report "the prevalence of cortical gray matter atrophy may be overestimated in healthy aging brain," appears in the issue September 2009 the American Psychological Association Journal of Neuropsychology have overestimated.

parts of the brainThe new brain study tested participants in Holland's long-term Maastricht aging study, who freely neurological problems such as dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Crohn's disease Parkinson's disease or stroke. Once participants were different from healthy, they took neuropsychological tests, including a screening test for dementia on the baseline and every three years for nine years.

The participants received in year 3, seven different parts of the brain MRI scans to measure areas and the frontal and cingulate areas of the cognitive critical cortex including memory-laden hippocampus, the areas around the hippocampus as e.g. Parahippocampal.Hippocampus plays an important role in the long-term and spatial navigation during field Parahippocampal, the hippocampus surrounds an important role in memory encoding and retrieval plays.

Dementia and Alzheimer's disease hippocampus is one of the first regions of the brain damage suffered; problems with memory and disorientation appear cingulate areas of cognitive critical cortex functions under the first Symptome.Die as an integral part of the limbic system that emotion formation and processing, learning, memory and respiratory control.

Study yields surprising results

After examining the behavioral data collected from 1994 to 2005 (with MRIs taken between 1997 and 1999 depending if people entered the study), the researchers participants divided into two groups: a group of 30 people showed significant cognitive decrease but were still dementia-free (average starting age 69.2 years) and a group of 35 cognitively healthy people stayed free of dementia (average starting age 69.1 years).

Cognitive decline was by drop of at least 30 per cent to two or more of the six core tests of the verbal learning and fluid, callback, processing speed, and complex information processing and/or drop of 3 or more points, fairs or scores of 24 or lower (raising suspicion for cognitive impairment) on the mini-mental state examination screening tool for dementia.

30 People cognitively over nine years showed a significant effect for ages in the hippocampus and Parahippocampal declined and in the frontal and cingulate Cortices while 35 cognitively healthy people nicht.Unter had the older participants the people whose understanding is deteriorating, smaller brain areas as younger Teilnehmer.Laut reflects the authors the apparent age atrophy in gray matter more likely pathological changes in the brain, the significant cognitive decline as aging itself behind.

The bottom line

As long as people remain healthy cognitive, the gray matter of areas could support of cognition don't ever verkleinert.Den according to researchers, should these findings scientists caution on conclusions of brain studies that use objective definitions and screen participants in the course of time.

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Cosmetics exposed, the hidden dangers in skin care products

One of the most important parts of our everyday life look and feel, our best. We spend time and money looking for the magic solution and we are promised amazing results, but at what cost?? You would be surprised to know that due to lax federal laws in the United States, can companies put almost any ingredient in personal care products. What it even worse. the Government requires no pre-market safety tests for each of these chemicals of millions of people on your face and body set are. It is important that we awareness to the and educate the public about potentially harmful ingredients in beauty products and our daily body care products.? Many are unaware that cosmetics apply on your face and body potentially contain harmful ingredients.? Consumers may be exposed to multiple toxins in "Beauty" and "Health" products by skin absorption, inhalation and ingestion. We think our cosmetics are safe because we pay a higher price.? If in fact too many with cancer, reproductive harm, and other health risks are connected. More than 2,300 people under the leadership of the non-profit environmental working group (EWG) and a coalition of public interest and environmental and health organizations, shows that the average adult every day with 126 unique chemical ingredients used 9 personal care products use a personal care product survey. Consumers can deceive you sell in purchasing products that deliver not.? Our bodies do not require chemical constituents where or respond to very good! In response to organizations for safe cosmetics is formed. Their voices together with you are heard. Eco-friendly skin care products are developed, as also beauty tools and makeup. We as consumers must continue to educate ourselves and those around us.? Have you heard of the dirty dozen?? Here are the 12 and there is more to find more study and research. Alcohol, isopropyl (SD-40): drying, solvents, the skin moisture and immune barrier strip irritating, which makes you vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. From a petroleum derivative found in shellac and antifreeze as personal care products manufactured. DEA (Diethanolamine). MEA (Monoethanolaniine) & TEA (triethanolamine): hormone disrupting chemicals, cancer-causing nitrates can make.
DMDM & urea (Imidazolidinyl): Two of the many preservatives share often the skin reactions, allergies, depression, joint pain, headache causing formaldehyde. Polyethylene glycol (PEG): Carcinogenic petroleum ingredient that reduces natural moisture of the skin.? Liutane or propane: found in aerosol products. May cause narcotic and suffocation. FD & -c-pigments: Synthetic colors from coal tar, the toxins on the skin deposits. Animal experiments have shown almost all carcinogenic.? Fragrances: Fragrances can up to four thousand ingredients (including animal urine), many toxic or carcinogenic included. Mineral oil: Petroleum by-product that clog the skin like plastic wrap, the pores coats. Mixes with skin's ability to eliminate toxins, promotion of acne and other disorders.? Skin function and cell development which slows to premature aging. Baby oil is 100% mineral oil! Propylene glycol (PG) liquid and butylene glycol glycol: Found in anti-freeze.? Acts as a "surfactant (wetting agents and solvents)." Penetrates into the skin and weakens protein and cellular structure. Sodium hydroxide: This is a gift (corrosive liquid bleach) found in drain cleaner, nor is now in our children and adults toothpaste! Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). Detergents that poses serious health threat. Garage floor cleaners and engine degreasers used. Triclosan: synthetic? "antibacterial" with a chemical structure similar to Agent Orange! The EPA registered it as a pesticide.?? Many ingredients in this list are linked to cancer due to their suspected of toxicity. Many European trade unions were banned from the market but rephrase and sell to the U.S. markets! Products we must use this list to purchases safer, healthier.? You can the security the check your beauty products online.? The online database pairs ingredients in more than 25,000 products against 50 definitive toxicity and legal databases, the largest integrated data resource of his article holistic skin care is in many consumers contact holistic skin care.? Holistic skin care is an all-round approach to healthy skin with care and proper nutrition.Holistic skin care is using multi vitamin schemes and from the Sun to bleiben.Es is scientifically formulated to both preventative and reparative, help the skin back to a healthier state to bring.

Lori is a fitness and nutrition specialist.Is a fitness instructor certifications in group fitness, AEA water aerobics, Lori lifetime Johnny G spinning, power Pilates, yoga, ACSM staff training and several small Certs.Als mother of 12 has a passion for health and wellness with a focus on nutrition, fitness and natural Produkten.Lori is also the owner of the

lori jones

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mediterranean diet extended life

Drink red wine and cooking with olive oil life can help us longer, say scientists.

Have found important ingredients in both substances can significantly increase the life of yeast.Since yeast and people share many genes, scientists have speculated, may have the same effect in humans.

The results provide further evidence that the Mediterranean diet the secret to life can be a long and healthy life.

Key molecule

Scientists, Harvard Medical School and Biomol research laboratory in Philadelphia, have identified resveratrol as the key ingredient in red wine.

This molecule is abundant in Rotwein.Es red wine its anti-cancer and anti-heart disease properties are.

You have found that this may affect molecule gene have been associated with life in yeast.

The found that Quercetin which is abundant in olive oil has a similar effect.

In particular, affect this gene has been shown to extend the life due to a reduced-calorie diet by cells, longer to live.

The case of resveratrol found that some life to expand yeast cells to as much as 70%.

Previous studies have suggested that severe calorie restriction may increase the service life of organisms such as yeast, worms, fruit flies, rats.

Scientists are trying to develop drugs, a similar effect on humans have the discovery that resveratrol and Quercetin can increase the life in yeast boost could these efforts.

"It's early days but we see this as a really striking breakthrough," said Dr. Konrad Howitz, one of the authors of the study, BBC News online.

"It brings us closer certainly the to intervene in able to extend durability pharmacologically in people."

The scientists found that Resveratrol could increase the lifetime of yeast cells in a variety of cans.

Similar tests on human cells showed however that dosage is important.

"A very wide range of doses were very effective in the Hefe.Allerdings was different with human cells."

"It seemed too high a very narrow range of the lower Ende.Wenn doses had appeared to the opposite effect, have", said Dr. Howitz.

Scientists plan similar testing in other ways, including mice, to see if the molecules can extend their life.

"I think it highlights the potential health benefits of the Mediterranean diet," he said.

The study is published in the journal nature.

Figures from the European Union show that people living in countries of the Mediterranean such as Spain and Italy live longer can expect on average than people in other countries.

Average life expectancy in Spain is 75 for men and for women 83.Dies compares to Britain, where men can wait until you are 75, but women expect up to 80 life to live.

In the United States is the average life expectancy 74 for men and 80 for women.

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Study States that all sunscreen are created not equal

There are more than 1 million cancer diagnosed each year in the United States. With more information about the seriousness of the sun exposure and the potential for skin cancer purchase of Sun protection products heaven is very fast (no pun intended). However, a recent report by a consumer advocacy group claims that four out of five either inadequate Sun offer brand suntan lotions or contain chemicals that may be unsafe.

In a report published Tuesday they offer environmental working group (EWG) calls for the FDA to promised changes in sunscreen, manufacturers, more detailed information on the amount to label which would require Sun protection of their products. The Group calls that manufacturer to test and label your products to protect against UV radiation A (UVA), that does not cause that sunburn but damaged collagen and can cause that wrinkles and sun spots may be required.Research suggests that UVA a cause of skin cancer computer.This labeling upgrade was proposed by the FDA in August last year, but the changes have not completed.

The current sun protection factor (SPF) labeling system which implements three decades ago measures only protection from UVB rays-ultraviolet rays that cause sunburn.

"You can buy a high SPF - product and have still no assurance you against UVA and UVB are protected according to the study of radiation."

The EEC analysis suggested that nearly half of products contain ingredients that are known in strong sunlight inactive.

"" Like catchy, but the 17 active 'ingredients', which has approved FDA for use as sunscreens in the United States at least four clear when you are exposed to sunlight break "the EEC report fixed.""You lose to absorb the Sun's harmful rays their ability and stop working effectively in less than 30 minutes to several hours."

Products, the Sun stable and UVA filters contain ingredients zinc oxide and titanium dioxide was too high in the analysis group.

In their newly released EEC study, researchers analyzed more than 900 brand name sunscreen, EEC researchers concluded that 7% of the products with SPF ratings of 30 or later no protection against UVA Strahlen.Nur 15% of the sunscreen met sun protection group criteria for the safety and efficacy through broad spectrum (protection against UVA and UVB radiation known) stable in sunlight and the poorest performers tend to contain only active substances by the EEC as safely best-selling eingestuft.Die sunscreen brands with none of the market leader of coppertone's sunscreen is superior to both safe and effective by the EEC be.

Only a 103 products from the second largest seller, banana boat and the third largest seller, Neutrogena, were recommended by the EEC.

Here are the top sunscreen takes interest groups:
* Key SOAP solar Rx therapeutic sunblock SPF 30
Trukid sunny days face stick mineral sunscreen UVA/UVB broad spectrum, SPF 30 +
California baby Sunblock Stick no fragrance, SPF 30 +
* Badger Sunscreen SPF 30
Marie Veronique skin therapy Sun serum
* Sun protection Lavera neutral, SPF 40
* Vanicream sun protection SPF 35
* UV Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 +
Sun science sport formula SPF 30
Soleo Organics sunscreen all natural Sunscreen SPF 30 +

See more widely available brands Blue lizard, California baby, CVS, Jason natural cosmetics, Kiss my face, Neutrogena, Olay, SkinCeuticals, solar made sense and Walgreens the list.

The report criticized also which EEC analysts called "over the top" marketing information they claim were allowed under the proposed FDA rules.

Two speakers for sunscreen industry means the EEC claims unfounded and incorrect.

Personal care products Council (PCPC) General Council Farah Ahmed gets 7% the high SPF sunscreens claiming no protection against UVA rays "very inaccurate."

Ahmed told "it's very clear you a very low level of understanding of how sunscreen to work and the way have you are regulated by the FDA and tested by the industry," WebMD.

Personal care products Council chief scientist John Bailey, PhD, says both safe and effective and strong regulated by the FDA are sunscreens.

Bailey determined that the Agency has the authority to bring action against all manufacturers makes unsubstantiated claims about a sunscreen.

Bailey is also strongly disagreed with the proposal in the EEC report the FDA to slowly change label on his promised sunscreen is moving.
"He says"The idea that the FDA is somehow in cahoots with the industry and we have been fighting to delay the process is not accurate,".""The Agency has thousands of comments (on the label change) receive and are these comments in the review process."

Bailey and Ahmed worried that the EEC report to stop might cause people with sunscreen.

"I hate would be to believe that parents out there not with sunscreen on your children because of the one it report like this based on real science," says Ahmed.

In a statement Monday, American Academy of Dermatology said President William Hanke, MD, people should choose a "broad spectrum" sunscreen as part of a General Sun protection therapy.

"" The FDA is UVA reporting in sunscreens and considering requirements sunscreen, currently the identification of the modifications to help protect the public informed choices about itself from the danger of the Sun,"said Hanke."The American Academy of Dermatology currently expects the FDA of the final decision.

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Monday, November 22, 2010

7 Useful tips to prevent the aging process

Past a certain age proof of aging is all too apparent. Fold gray hair and bifocals. Less energy. More pain and pain. Perhaps a libido, decline of vision and hearing loss. But so far, no single theory explains how or why aging occurs. Anti Aging Tips Since aging is so complex, it is unlikely that a pill or procedures can slow down the process. Researchers study antioxidants, hormone replacement therapy, reduced-calorie diets and other anti aging treatments. Until more is known, your best bet for a long and healthy life is on lifestyle focus strategies. The Mayo Clinic women's health source provides the following anti-aging tips for ageing well:
To get regular medical checks and preventive health screenings: Many diseases that can affect your health are very treatable if detected early. Keep physically active: Destination most days of the week for 30 minutes or more practice. Benefits are weight control, improved blood circulation, increased muscle mass, greater flexibility, more endurance and improved balance. Good food:Numerous studies show, that a healthy diet can help you live longer and besser.Essen you food, many essential nutrients compared to their calorie-have whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits and legumes.
Use Sun protection: Sun exposure is responsible for much of the skin damage associated with ageing and is the main risk factor for skin cancer. Limit alcohol: more than one drink a day for women the risk of cardiovascular disease, some cancers and liver and pancreas disorders can increase.Alcohol can weaken your immune system, influence your cognitive skills and increase your risk of falling.Connected socially and intellectually curious:With strong ties to family and friends can buffer or some health related effects of ageing and stress can other mind challenging activities and read your brain with classes, hobbies, reduzieren.Trainieren help better maintain your memory.

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Growth hormone stimulators help older adults

Substance which stimulates the secretion of growth hormone can help older adults improve their physical function and reduce your body fat percentage which will be presented at the International Congress of Neuroendocrinology in Pittsburgh, according to the study results. The results are by Dr. George Merriam, Professor of medicine at the University of Washington and a doctor with health care VA Puget Sound. Coordinate helped Merriam endocrine aspects of this multi-site study, together with Dr. Heidi white from Duke University and researcher at Pfizer, Inc. almost 400 adults from 65 to 84 years of age were enrolled in the study, and a placebo or one of the four different levels of an oral growth hormone secretagogue (GHS) which stimulates the secretion of human growth hormone were divided into groups receive. Researchers measured the participants fat and muscle mass (muscle) as your performance in the physical tests such as stair climbing and walking heel-to-toe. Participants were given the level of growth hormone and a composite IGF-1, a hormone that reacts to growth hormone and conveys some of the impact called blood tests. GHS treatment participants saw a significant increase in the non-fatty matter - 1.5 kg or 3.3 pounds. The GHS treatment led to improved physical function in the six - to 12 - month study period. The participants had higher growth hormone and IGF-1 in their Bloodstreams. Patients had the GHS treatment minor side effects, including increased fatigue, insomnia, and fasting blood sugar levels. Growth hormone is growth and production of the hormone crucial childhood Summit during puberty. However, it continues to affect physical function in our lifetime and regulates metabolism and body composition. As middle-aged adults move begins growth hormone production taper off. Many of the effects of aging - abdominal fat, reduced muscle mass and decreased physical function - look very similar as the symptoms of growth hormone deficiency in younger people. As this aging effects in set, many older adults find it difficult to care for yourself and you lose quality of life and often turn to long-term care. "If we had something that could reduce the drop off in physical function, we could improve the quality of life for older adults, and reduce the costs of long-term care, said Merriam.""What we want to do is take the steep curve of the physical function, that decrease with age, and shall keep a much flatter decrease or even a plateau, so more physical mobility and strength as instead people of deteriorating age." Researchers study the aging process believe that growth hormone and IGF-1 can be two of the most important connections to regulate, the effects of aging and that the stimulus could help production of hormones prevent these effects. Other studies have shown that treatment can increase the levels of growth hormone and IGF-1, and can help improve a patient's body composition. This study is the first to show not only the physical function stability, but improving. "This is a proof of concept that can help GHS with body composition and physical function," said Merriam. "Very encouraging results, and we should consider further whether GHS can help in the long term, some to mitigate the negative effects of aging." However, he added that many steps remain to determine whether this concept could be converted to an effective and safe treatment. The GHS was used in the study discovered and developed by Pfizer Global research and development, and is only available for research, not as a prescription or over-the-counter traded drug. This study researchers at Stanford University, the University of Arkansas, included the University of Washington and Duke University sites Johns Hopkins University and the Veterans Affairs healthcare system. The research was supported by Pfizer, Inc. Note: this research in a press conference Wednesday at 21, at the International Congress of Neuroendocrinology in Pittsburgh featured will. Reporter can also participate in the press conference via telephone conference. For more information about the session and visit press conference:

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sun damaged skin is not with estrogen treatment improve.

Treatment for skin with estrogen can stimulate collagen production improves the appearance of the skin in areas normally not the sun exposed according to new research from the University of Michigan Health System. But in Sun damaged skin, the same treatment not collagen production, the study found. But in Sun damaged skin, the same treatment not collagen production, the study found. The results highlight, therefore it is so difficult, the effects of sun damage on the skin, reverse says investigators lead author Laure Rittie, Ph.d, research in the U-M Department of Dermatology. "Frankly, we were very surprised to learn, that stimulating collagen production of topical estrogen treatment is limited to the skin sunlight suspended not chronic. These results suggest that sunlight changed skin ability to respond to current estrogen and show how difficult it is to repair skin Photoaged, "says Rittie." The study will be published in the new issue of the archives of Dermatology. Seventy seniors 40 post-menopausal women and 30 took men in the study. Researchers analyzed biopsies of of the patient's skin hips, and forearm or taken face, before the treatment began and ended after two weeks later. Study participants had all Photoaged skin-that is, Sun damaged skin, dry, coarse wrinkles and uneven pigmentation appears. Participants were called topically treated estradiol with estrogen medication. They were given doses of 0.01%, 0.1%, 1% or 2.5% or a vehicle include no estradiol. Estradiol was more than tripled, on average, compared to the inactive drug found to increase collagen levels in women's hip skin. These included p4ha1 I and III to mRNA levels. In men, the collagen levels increased by a factor of approximately 1.7 on average. The improvements were later, when the doses of estradiol were higher. In contrast to collagen levels in Photoaged skin on the forearm and face with treatment, no matter the dosage of estradiol not significantly improved. Authors: In addition to Rittie, were: Sewon Kang, m.d, Professor of Dermatology; John j. Duncan, Voorhees, MD, Ella Poth distinguished professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology; and Gary j. Fisher, Ph.d., Harry Helfman Professor of molecular Dermatology. Funding: A grant from Pfizer Inc. supports the research part. Disclosure: Voorhees served as a consultant for Pfizer Inc. and receive advice. Reference: Archives of Dermatology, vol.. 144, No. 9, September 2008.

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Cosmeceuticals: reality check on a new category of anti-wrinkle products

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The premier muscle and fitness, nutrition and health portal resource cosmeceuticals: A reality check on a new category of anti-wrinkle products E-mail consumers are huge money on a new category of anti-wrinkle creams and lotions ? cosmeceuticals expenditure. However, should buyers to beware of too much money to invest or hope in cosmeceuticals, advises Mayo Clinic women's HealthSource. As drugs are rather than cosmetics cosmeceutical skin care products are not subject to rigorous testing for safety or efficacy.While there are no guarantees, affect the active ingredients in cosmeceuticals biological processes as can. popular active the production or distribution of skin cells, affecting the appearance of the surface of the skin substances: retinal, a form of vitamin A and the first antioxidant widely used in nonprescription anti-wrinkle creams.
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals - unstable oxygen molecules, the break down cells of the skin and cause signs of aging.
Hydroxy acids, as peels, remove dead skin and promote the growth of new skin.Coenzyme Q10, a nutrient energy production in cells to regulate the top layer of the old, damage and can help protect the skin from the Sun.
Copper peptides that can stimulate collagen skin tight stops.Some nonprescription creams can easily improve the appearance of the skin in the course of time or it protect against further harm.But nothing ? including cosmetics, having druglike properties - works aging Magie.Verbraucher should in mind, that OTC products may not a high enough concentration of active ingredients to a noticeable effect have keep.Expensive creams can cost-effectively produce no better than that.And needs improvement Zeit.Sogar prescription products known to improve skin appearance take to get results.
Copyright c 2007-2010 muscle Mag fitness |Muskel, fitness and health resource all rights vorbehalten.Mit muscle Mag fitness terms detect use of this website.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Study reports on American life healthier, richer and more

By 2030, it is estimated 71.5 million people 65 years and more - almost 20 percent of the population according to the report, older Americans 2008: key indicators of well-being.

The report examines five large areas of well-being: economy, health, health risks and behaviours and health care.

General health, key indicators such as smoking rates, flu and pneumonia vaccination and screening for breast cancer have improved but have matched in recent years.

As for chronic conditions:

Women reported higher levels of arthritis compared to men.Men reported higher cancer and heart disease.Heart disease brings higher risk for conditions such as: high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD)) .Afro Americans of high blood pressure and diabetes higher-level compared higher levels of diabetes as non Hispanic whites.The whites.Hispanics reported number of people 65 years or older, the suffrage square of obesity increased 2000-2006 services from 22 percent in the 1988-1994 to 31 per cent during same time there was no significant change in the number of older people engaging in physical activity. In fact, most days reported spend your time watching TV Americans 65 and older half. These longer read but spent 75 and older, and relax and think 55 to 64 years of age compared with people.?

Also according to the report:

As people age, spent less time friends visit or attending social functions.Socializing fell from 13% of those 55 to 64 to 10 percent were 75 or older.This is important because the recent studies have shown that socialization is an important factor in the prevention of age-related cognitive decline and dementia, including Alzheimer's disease) depression.Older people called the ability to receive, process and understand health information or services - health literacy - declined with age.39 Percent of those 75 and older had literacy basic health below, compared to 23 percent of people ages 65 to 74, and 13 percent of those 50 until 64.Dies can also partly due to age related decline in cognitive function.Time issued sports, exercise, rest, dedicated and travel with age.Escalating rejected older Americans health costs for prescription drugs affected: from 1992 to 2004 costs increased by $ on energy transport applications $Jahrs.Im year 2004 prescription drugs made up 61 percent of health financing health costs for older Americans, the report found.Despite these rising costs, many older Americans are more economically secure.From 1974 to 2006 number of older Americans living below the poverty line from 15 percent to 9 percent declined over, the number of older Americans include with higher income older Menschen.Der rose disparities at financial security Foir from 18 percent to 29 percent.Racial net value under white 65 and older is six times the older African Americans.

Healthier older abroad

Although increasing life expectancy for Americans for those 65 years of age, it is also lower than in countries such as Canada, Sweden Japan.Beispielsweise life Japanese women 3.2 years longer than women in the USA.Unter people the difference 1.2 years according to the report is 65 years of age.


The report was prepared by the Federal Interagency Forum on aging-related statistics, prepared, responsible for collecting data on aging 15 agencies represents.

Source: International Council on active aging, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; March 2008 report, older Americans 2008: key indicators of well-being, Federal Interagency Forum on aging related statistics

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Age memory decline instead, may be a treat thyroid disorder related

It is wrong to believe that fatigue or memory loss of an inevitable signs of aging. Are also common symptoms of an underActive of the Schilddruse--a condition that in general treatment according to the may respond to output of the Mayo Clinic Health letter.

Thyroid, plays in the neck just below the Adam's Apple, an important role in General Gesundheit.Hormone from thyroid chemical messengers that help control body temperature, heart rate, muscle strength, cholesterol, memory and even mood.

If a thyroid malfunctions, it be produced too much or too little of its hormones, chemical reactions in the body unbalanced.The earliest symptoms of an underActive of thyroid (hypothyroidism), such as inertia and fatigue, wrong too often for just getting older.

As hypothyroidism puts other symptoms may include cold hands and feet, constipation, pale, dry skin, a puffy face, hoarseness, or unexplained weight gain include. elderly people with an underActive of thyroid can have only a symptom such as memory loss or declining mental function.

The treatment of choice for hypothyroidism is the drug levothyroxine, a key missing hormone replaced.Regular blood tests are required to determine the right dosage.

Conversely, an overactive thyroid can produce also subtle Symptome.Sie include usually an increased heart rate, heat intolerance, to tire weight loss and a tendency to during the ordinary course of business.

The most common treatment for reducing the thyroid hormones levels involves taking oral doses of radioactive jod.jod included thyroid gland and it schrumpft.Diese treatment but often results in an underActive of thyroid, require long-term use levothyroxine to replace hormone levels.

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Improve the brain power as we age

Cognitive decline was long considered inevitable consequence of aging, but recent years have seen a surge of interest in activities and PR increase-brain-power oducts touted to avoid this result. What is the truth? Decline is inevitable, or is there a possibility of keeping our faculties if we exercise? And what types of exercises and products are effective and which are just hype?

A new study in psychological science in the public interest, a magazine of the Association for psychological science is published and supported by a grant from the National Institute on aging considered by aging, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline in older adults and what, if anything can be done to stop or slow down the process.

According to the most rigorous and comprehensive review of scientific knowledge about aging and cognitive decline ever, there are clear signs brain_power changes, that specific lifestyle and behavior could preserve brain power and slow cognitive decline by aging, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

More and more anti aging studies demonstrate that cognitive enrichment activities as intellectually stimulating, activities, social commitment and especially physical exercise can maintain or various aspects of cognitive function (brain power), improve as we age.

This recent study researchers, you indicate studies confirm that the commitment in intellectually stimulating activities have significant cognitive benefits for older adults.A study shows that activities such as reading can help every day.

Four thousand old people were recruited for a study and assessed your abundance participate in seven cognitive activities (e.g. reading magazines). The researchers of in-home interviews carried out and the participants tested cognitive function for almost 6 years.Those involved experienced on aging supported a reduced rate which was cognitive Verfall.Diese monograph in more cognitive activity by a grant from the National Institute.

Social commitment and maintain a positive attitude are powerful tools in the arrive of the dementia. deterWho motivates positive and optimistic, pleasant, open experience targeted, conscientiously, are more likely to experience successful aging.Animal research supported these findings.These studies show that the exposure of animals to enriched or complex environments (in General including the running wheels, a variety of toys and objects to climb and animal companions) yields several physiological benefits, including neural changes in the brain.

Your brain is in better shape if you are working from.The authors of this report show on a recent study consider 5925 women over the age of 65 Jahren.Forscher rated your physical activity with the question of women how many blocks they went a day and how many flights of stairs, you daily women, participating in 33 different physical Aktivitaten.Mit also responds to a questionnaire in detail view of the cognitive function of these women 6 to 8 years later, found bestiegen.Die researchers most active women a 30 percent reduced risk of cognitive decline cognition was associated with hatte.Interessanterweise Fu, but walking was speed nicht.Es seems even moderate levels can be physical activity to limit decrease of knowledge in older adults.

Science in this report also debunks the old saw: "old dogs new tricks to learn."While older adults generally new jobs learn more slowly than younger people do, yet their cognitive performance, you can improve by to keep their heads and bodies in the form.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Adults over 60 years of age who had higher levels of cardio fitness lived longer than inappropriate adult

Adults over 60 years of age who had higher levels of cardio fitness lived longer than inappropriate adults, regardless of your levels of body fat, according to a study in the August 5 issue of JAMA. Previous studies have provided evidence that obesity and each physical inactivity can produce an increased risk of death in middle-aged adults. Whether this also applies to older adults is uncertain, background information in the article according to. Xuemei sui, m.d, of University of South Carolina, Columbia and colleagues examined mappings between cardio-fitness, various clinical measures of obesity (body fat) and death in older women and men. The study included 2,603 adults age 60 years or older (average age, 64.4 years; 19.8 percent women) inscribed in the Aerobics Center longitudinal study, a baseline health examination during 1979-2001 completed. Fitness was determined, by a treadmill exercise test and obesity of body index (BMI), waist circumference, measured judged and percent body fat. Low fitness was defined as the lowest fifth of sex-specific distribution of treadmill exercise test duration. There were 450 deaths during an average follow-up of 12 years. The researchers found that those who died were older, had low fitness levels and more heart cardiovascular risk factors as survivors. However, there were no significant differences in obesity action. Participants in higher fitness groups were in most cases of less likely to risk factors for cardiovascular disease, have high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol. Fit participants had lower death rates than unsuitable participants within each layer of obesity, except for two obesity groups. In most cases, the death rate for those with higher fitness were less than half of the prices for those who were not suitable. Greater fitness were reversed in connection with all cause to have death subgroups where a normal waist and in those with abdominal obesity and in those the normal percent body fat in both normal weight and obesity BMI and those the excessive percent body fat. "... we observed that fit people who (such as with BMI of 30, 0 34, 9 abdominal obesity, excessive body fat percent) were obese a lower risk of all cause mortality as incapable of normal weight or lean people had." Our data suggest that fitness levels at elderly influence obesity mortality Association ", the authors write. "Our data provide more evidence regarding the complex long-term relationship between fitness, body size and survive." It can be possible, all cause death rates in older adults, including those who are obese, by promoting regular physical activity such as brisk go for 30 minutes or more on most days of the week (approximately 8 kcal / kg weekly), most people from category low fitness hold. "Older adults should improve functional capacity to achieve a healthy lifestyle and live longer in better health enjoy allow." (JAMA. 2007; 298 (21): 2507-2516.) (Available pre-embargo to the media at Editor's Note: Please for contributions and affiliations, financial information, funding and support, see the article for more information, including other authors, author.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Health risks reduce aging men through physical activity

New research suggests that exercise in aging men, the risk of developing of benign prostatic hyperplasia can reduce hyperplasia (BPH), lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and erectile dysfunction (ED). Our results suggest that moderate to strong physical activity reduce the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) of less than 25% relative to a sedentary lifestyle could. Although the strength of the association with higher levels of activity exceed seems, there was a non-significant trend towards a protective effect with even mild physical activity. Adjustment for multiple disturbance variables included in the studies in this analysis underlines the independence of the protective effect of exercise on BPH/LUTS complex. The idea that physical activity and other factors can change modifiable lifestyle of risk and severity of BPH and LUTS challenges traditional etiological paradigms and the need for the development of new pathogenic models for BPH/LUTS disease implies complex. The assumption that BPH and LUTS are relatively unchanging consequences of aging driven by a combination of genetic predisposition, androgens and estrogens supported previous models. While genotype and hormones are important components, the relationship of physical activity with BPH LUTS requires taking into account the additional modulators of these processes. It is possible that physical activity prostate growth paths through influenced changes in hormone levels. We do however feel a more likely explanation is that benefits through improved cardio cardiovascular health engaged in physical activity. Pre-clinical and observational data suggest BPH and LUTS could promote cardiovascular disease. Men suffering from BPH tend components of metabolic syndrome and LUTS, have as men with heart disease. The metabolic syndrome is associated with systemic inflammation, oxidative stress and inflammation drives potentially BPH. Exercise that promotes, weight loss, improving the vascular flow normalizes the concentration of serum lipid and lipoprotein and prevent heart disease may be the lower urinary tract mitigate manifestations of systemic cardiovascular disease. In fact, BPH/LUTS often occurs complex in conjunction with erectile dysfunction (ED) is strongly associated with cardiovascular disease. It is thus possible that the BPH/LUTS is a complex and ED common etiology which share associated with cardiovascular disease. A shared heart vascular etiology for BPH/LUTS complex and ED would explain why the 2 conditions same modifiable lifestyle factors, including obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidemia are associated with. In addition, a lower risk of erectile dysfunction was associated with increased physical activity. Posted by j. Kellogg Parsons, MD European Urology 2008 Mar 11. (EPub)
Doi:10.1016/j.eururo.2008.02.019 link to original abstract:

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Life expectancy is increasing for the educated during the less educated reap use no.

While life expectancy for educated people has increased significantly over the last twenty years, it has trained for less plateaued people. In other words, have those whose educated does not exceed high school, share the benefits of longer life. This is the case for African Americans and Caucasians.
While life expectancy for educated people has increased significantly over the last twenty years, it has trained for less plateaued people. In other words, have those whose educated does not exceed high school, share the benefits of longer life. This is the case for African Americans and Caucasians. Deaths related to tobacco use for at least one fifth of the increased of mortality differences account, through education, the life expectancy to create this gap.Many in the United States policies for health inequalities abzielt.Die educational gap in life expectancy increases still addressed despite of all funds to groups with lower socio-economic status.

It's no secret that in recent decades, life expectancy in the United States has shows increased recent data however, that not all of this encouraging development has benefited. New insights from Harvard Medical School of at Harvard University and demonstrate that significantly longer life expectancy than those who never went individuals with more than 12 years of education beyond high school.

"We like to think that we get healthier as a country, everyone benefits," says David Cutler, Dean of social sciences at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University and study co-author. "Here we have found that you can have a rising tide, do those only half that are boats elevator and who better to start with."

The research conducted by Cutler and Ellen Meara, Assistant Professor of health policy at the Harvard Medical School, appear in the March/April issue of the journal Health Affairs. Over the years much attention to mortality, which was paid on the basis of socio-economic status, but less attention to the latest trends in life expectancy, mortality, and level of education has been paid. To understand the last mortality trends O'Meara and Cutler death combined certificate mortality study census population estimates with data from the national longitudinal. Limit analysis on white and non-Hispanic black, the team created two separate records, cover 1981-1988, and the other 1990-2000. The life expectancy for people that more than 12 years of education had increased in both data sets. For those with 12 or less, plateaued. Compare the 1980's to the 90's, for example, experienced better trained individuals almost a year and a half higher life expectancy, while the less educated only half a year experience. For 1990-2000, life expectancy rose an additional 1.6 years for better educated, fixed while remaining for the less educated. If the data by sex was broken, the researchers found out women fared worse than men there. Less well-educated women regardless of race experienced a slight decline in life expectancy at the age of 25. Total in the groups studied, 2000, 82 to life might expect at the age of 25 years better educated; for less educated, 75. "Although improvements in health in some groups occur many times faster than others, it is surprising that the life expectancy stayed during periods when other dramatic gains in longevity, enjoyed, for the less educated so shallow", says O'Meara.The researchers found that most of the mortality gap to smoke can be attributed to related diseases. 20 Percent of growing mortality causes only two diseases differences by smoking, lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema), in the 1990s.Many other diseases such as heart disease and other types of cancer, include smoking as factors.The importance of smoking is not surprising since other data has shown that the less educated gave not smoking in the same way that those with more education.(Other causes of death under investigation diseases of the heart, not lung cancer, stroke, and unintentional injuries were.)"" It's a bit of complacency in the fact is that life increasing year after year,"says Cutler.""Our data shows us that we must begin to see much do more for the groups at the bottom if we don't want these gaps grow."This research was funded by the National Institute on aging and the National Institute on drug abuse.
"Full citation: Health Affairs, March/April 2008, Volume 27, no. 2."The CAP gets bigger: changes in mortality and life expectancy, 1981-2000 "Ellen Meara(1), Seth Richards(2) and David Cutler(3) 1 Department of health policy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
2 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
3 Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, M

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Old vitamins learn new tricks

While many consumers come to many vitamins known to offer certain advantages on the skin, including vitamins C, E and A, leave some additional vitamins recently have shown promising results for the treatment of the issues, maintenance, and the skin. In the search to stop the aging process and reverse the signs of sun damage spent consumers $5 billion on cosmetics in 2001 according to market research, 56 percent of skin care products alone. While many consumers come to many vitamins known to offer certain advantages on the skin, including vitamins C, E and A, leave some additional vitamins recently have shown promising results for the treatment of the issues, maintenance, and the skin. speech today at the American Academy of Dermatology annual meeting in San Francisco, 2003 dermatologist Leslie Baumann, M.D., care spoke benefits through the skin of two recently studied vitamins: vitamin K and niacin, also known as vitamin B-3. "Vitamins continue to be recognised as an important role in the health of the body including the hide," said Dr. Baumann, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology and cutaneous surgery at the University of Miami School of medicine, Miami, Florida "New studies have shown that vitamin K and niacin are specifically for pigmentation problems and dry skin of advantage on the skin." Vitamin K plays an important role in blood coagulation and studies have shown strong bones in the older should be persisted. However, dermatologists have to be found recently vitamin K successfully for the treatment for dark circles under the eyes and bruises on your face. Dark circles may for some people, or simply a part of the aging process hereditary, but most people would agree that you are to hide a fight. If it starts fat pad under the eye too thin with age, it can create a sunken look under eye area. Studies have shown that inertia blood flow under the eyes can contribute too dark circles. Vitamin K was determined to represent to reduce this dark circles. A recent study published in cosmetics and skin care, contain two groups, one applied an eye cream, Sun block and another containing the applied under eye cream, that a combination of vitamin K and retinol. An examination of eye color at the beginning of the study and at the end of a significant improvement in the group with the vitamin K and retinol combination found. "Whether dark circles under my eyes was shown a result of aging, genetics or sun damage, vitamin K, associated with the swelling and discoloration to reduce this often disturbing problem", said Dr. Baumann. "Feel that men for under eye area are no longer covers their circles patients, please see eye skin treatments that contain vitamin K or a combination of vitamin K plus retinol which was shown to collagen production in your skin looking boost." Vitamin K has also recently because of its impact on reducing the bruises after specific dermatological procedures have been reviewed. In a recent study published in the journal of the American Academy of Dermatology patients underwent laser treatments to reduce the appearance of spider veins on the face. Because the laser treatment can cause bruising, half the patients topical vitamin K on applied half your faces for two weeks before the laser treatment and a placebo, the other half of your face cream. Other patients applied vitamin K to a half of the face and the placebo, the other half after the treatment. Before the heavy contusions clearly affect the procedure, after the procedure of the vitamin K noticed a significant reduction in the severity of bruises patients applied during the application of topical vitamin K. "Topical vitamin K the amount of time can reduce deeply to heal some patients,"said Dr. Baumann."This is especially important for those, who feel uncomfortable with the often short-term bruising can be visible after laser treatments." A topical vitamin promise as over-the-counter traded ingredient shows in anti-aging products is Niacin--a component of the B vitamin complex has many derivatives. A derivative of niacin, NICOTINAMIDE, has shown the top layer of the skin to moisture, reserve the right to improve the ability of the epidermis. In a recent study, topical NIACINAMIDE was applied to the skin for six days. According to the survey reported all patients of soft, smooth skin, less drought and flakiness and reducing fine lines. "The benefits for the skin can be useful after the application of NICOTINAMIDE for patients with atopic dermatitis, who often experience dry, irritated skin, if the disease torches", Dr. Baumann beat. "This could be a more promising treatment for aging skin, which is often dry and flaky and older as we also become." NIACINAMIDE, another derivative, has also been shown that an effective skin brightening agent for skin diseases where Hyperpigmention, may occur on the face or other visible parts of the body, to be. Patients with hyperpigmentation apply a moisturizer with 5% NIACINAMIDE. After four weeks hyperpigmentation and skin were analyzed color computer and most patients experienced decreased hyperpigmentation and increased skin lightness. Current NIACINAMIDE has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties making it for acne, rosacea and a blistering type disease treatment. Recent studies also noted that niacin and its derivatives Chemopreventative have effects. Applying mouse skin produces a 70 percent reduction in topical NIACINAMIDE ultraviolet-induced skin cancer. "Vitamins provide many benefits for the skin, but with so many various vitamins and other derivatives to find consumers on what ingredients be confused can and which select products," said Dr. Baumann. "The best way to find answers about the best products for a specific skin type select or to correct one area of concern is to see who can provide the proper guidance to your dermatologist to find."

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Aging anti seizures can delay drugs

epliepsy drug alziemerResearchers have found that drugs used to treat human seizures can delay aging in worms by as much as 50 percent.

The roundworms used for the study are similar to how people in their molecular makeup, increase the possibility that the drugs could extend the life of the people.?

The discovery may little understandable information about the aging process. Because the drugs to be neuromuscular systems both people and worms, interpret the results on a connection between neuronal activity and aging.

?The discovery came from the thesis work of Kimberley Evason at Washington University School of medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. The results were detailed in the journal Science.

??Evason began exposing groups of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to commercially available drug to see if the drugs would delay aging or promotion of longevity. In contrast to vertebrates, the worms are ideal subjects for the study of aging due to their short lifespan that take only a few weeks in a laboratory. It is known in genetics and the worm genome was sequenced has.

Over eight months the scientists tested 20 drugs, all with negative results, until you tested the anticonvulsant drug Ethosuzimide.The researchers found that the drug extends the service life of roundworms 16.7 days to 19.6 days, an increase of 17 percent.It was found that two related anticonvulsant drugs extended life of worms - in the case of a drug by almost 50 percent. in addition to delay degenerative changes in age-related increases drugs also neuromuscular activity suggests a link between the neuromuscular system and the aging process.The results suggest that

Neuronal activity has n important rule in regulating the whole body, including skin, muscles and Fortpflanzungsorgane.Die aging scientists concluded that somehow the nervous system although the phases koordiniert.Wie done isn't obvious progress all these tissues, yet known, and requires further investigation to determ.ine how

Important implications for the human aging, aging and longevity have the discovery could extend the lifetime of roundworms drugs currently on drugs and the aging process little known ist.Was is known that an insulin like regulates signaling system, therefore general agreement that a good diet may delay ageing, and a person is to extend the service life.

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Age is just a number: Spotlight Lynn Glenn

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Lynn Glenn We all know someone who "doesn't look their age." Most times we say this in a complimentary way, as in, "You're forty-eight! Wow! You don't look it!"

This Month MuscleMagFitness spotlights 61 year old Simi valley California native Lynn Glenn .

Do not let your age keep you from achieving your fitness goals

I will be 61 years old in May. I am a native Californian and currently reside in Simi Valley in Southern California, just a few minutes from Los Angeles, beaches, hills and the mountains.

At the age of 48 I started weight training, I have always been interested in lifting weights and what you could look like when you are tone and fit. I had always admired both men and women body builders and their dedication to fitness as well as all others in the fitness industry. I had been married at a very young age, right out of high school, with that came the responsibility of supporting and raising a family. I did not have the time or energy to dedicate to weight training and never knew what I was missing until later in life. I was divorced at the age of 42 and my kids were now grown up with lives of their own. I started to have an interest in weight training again but still did not have the time. I had always been a construction worker, very active all the time, and was able to keep in shape.

In 1990 I started my own business and became a pencil pusher. After a couple of years I realized that I was gaining weight and out of shape. I had decided that if I was ever going to be successful in business, I wanted to be healthy and around to enjoy it. At 61, I started to get back into shape by walking and jogging around the neighborhood, then at parks and the hillsides. With weather and time always being an issue, I decided to join a gym. When I first joined a gym I started out by doing a lot of cardio and watching people weight train. After time I started to lift weights not knowing exactly what I was doing but still saw some of the benefits that came from it. From that point on I was hooked!

I started watching and studying people as they worked out, I read books, magazines and everything that I could get my hands on in order to gain the knowledge that I needed to build muscle. I was now 48 and on my way to being a new me! When I had gained muscle size and as I watched some of the people lifting, that I use to admire, it became apparent to me, after a while, that most of them did not know what they were really doing! As time went by I saw that they had very little or no muscle gains. With the knowledge that I had gained I continued to put on size and muscle. Soon after the people who I used to watch and try to learn from were watching me, following my routine and asking me questions! Remember that I was no spring chicken, by now I was pushing 50!

As I saw the results of weight training I became even more enthusiastic and wanted more! Weight training was a hobby of mine which I very much enjoyed, but with work and other things going on in my life I only had so much time to devote to it, pretty much the time the average person would have to devote to staying in shape. What I had to eventually do was to incorporate my gym time in as part of my daily work schedule, i.e. work 5 hours eat lunch go to the gym workout go back to the office and continue to work. That seem to help and that is the same schedule that I still keep today.

With the now bad economy and the slowing of my business I decided to try to accomplish as much as I can in weight training. In the past 4 months, at the age of 60, I was able to add approx. 5 more pounds of muscle and have the admiration and respect of many at the gym, mostly when I tell the m my age. Telling them my age is the fun part, as I watch there jaws drop in disbelief. More than on one occasion I had to pull out my driver's license for the proof of my age.

In the next few years I am still going to push myself and see how far that I can go with my muscle building and fitness. There is a possibility that I may not gain much in size, but I do not want to believe that, I should at least be able to maintain 6'4" frame at around 230 pounds for the most of the rest of my life.

I am so interested in the fitness industry because I have seen what it has done for me and others. I want to be an inspiration for other people showing that age does not matter or even need to be a factor with staying in shape, all you really need is the desire! I also like being around the people who are in the fitness industry for I know the sacrifice and commitment that is needed for them to accomplish what they have achieved. If you surround yourself with people that you admire and would enjoy being more like them, that alone will help motivate you to continue forward. It is like an addiction, if you are around the people that you admire, in time, you eventually become more like them!

For anyone who asks for my help, I enjoy giving them tips on there training, diets and setting up a workout program for what they want to accomplish. I receive a great deal of satisfaction and have a good feeling inside as I see their body and attitude change as they see their accomplishments. God has given me this gift of health and fitness, so I feel the desire to share my knowledge which I have gained over the years and to be an inspiration for others.

When I was growing up I had always played and was around organized sports, baseball and track was my main interest through High School. Then for the next 20 years, after High School, it was football on the weekends with friends and water skiing. My son always wanted me to snow ski, so at the age of 46, I learn how and at the age of 56 I finally got up the nerve to go to the top of Mammoth Mountain and jump off the cornice and ski down the face of the mountain. I have always been athletic and good at anything that I had tried but most things never held my interest long enough for me to excel at one any particular sport. Weight training and fitness has now been my interest for the past 13 years and enjoy it! I am also still very active in other physical activities. Besides the gym, I walk, hike, ride my bike and take my Harley, which I learned how to ride just little over a year ago, out on the weekends. As new friends come into my life and want me to try new things, I will not limit myself from doing them because of my age. But if I also know that I am not going to like doing something, I just do not do it. At my age, I really do not have anything to prove to myself or anyone else anymore!

My typical training schedule, I will go the gym 5 days a week Monday through Friday, Saturday if I miss a day. I know that working out 5 days in a row goes against the belief of 2 days on 1 day rest, but this just works better for me with my schedule and also frees up my weekends for other activities. Monday and Tuesday I'm at the gym for 2 hrs, Wednesday 11/2 hrs, Thursday and Friday 11/4 hrs. I work my larger muscle groups at beginning of the week when I am the strongest and most rested, the smaller muscle groups on Thursday and Friday. Typically Monday is chest, triceps and abs, Tuesday back, traps and biceps, Wednesday legs including calves. By doing legs on Wednesday it gives my upper body a day rest that is needed to rebuild. Then Thursday triceps and abs, Friday biceps forearms and traps. I will usually work out alone, it is easier for me to concentrate and stay focus that way. When training alone if I need somebody to spot me then I just ask. If there is someone who does share the same desire and goals in training, then I will workout with them and we can help to motivate each other. Now that I am older, I use my knowledge and technique rather than seeing how much weight I can lift, but by no means is the weight light, my body is use to lifting.

The weight that I use is generally lighter than the younger generation because there bodies can handle it without as much of a chance of injuries. I do use more machines and cable machines now than I use to, in order to help prevent some accidental lifting injuries with the more controlled form of lifting. I still do use free weights because I believe that is still the best form of weight training, I just incorporate the equipment into my workouts. I do very little cardio, if any, I save that for the weekend with the other activities that I have. My workout is pretty taxing and my heart rate level is already elevated during my workout. I can still climb 5 flights of stairs, which I do on an occasion with my work, without stopping and/or gasping for air.

My weekly diet is pretty consistent and with my daily intake being of at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight with a little less than 1 gram of carbohydrates per pound of body weight. Breakfast I will eat 5 egg whites and 1 yoke, natural fruit juice, a 12 oz. glass of low fat milk and a bowl of oatmeal, mid morning snack 40 grams of whey protein and fruit, lunch a chicken sandwich and fruit, pre workout 25 grams of whey protein about an hour after lunch, to give me the extra energy that I need for my workout, post workout, 50 grams of whey protein in a glass of milk and some natural fruit juice, for dinner chicken, salad and vegetables, before bed a small bowl of mixed nuts, without peanuts. Besides of the natural benefits which the mixed nuts have, they also give me the protein that I need to help my muscles to repair and rebuild them while I'm sleeping. On the weekends I eat pretty much the same with substituting the chicken for fish or a lean steak. I do believe in splurging on one of my weekend dinners, usually with my favorite, which is Mexican food including chips and salsa and topped off with one of my favorite margaritas. I do have cravings for all types of food but with that one dinner I can control the cravings for the next 6 days.

I do not believe that I get all the nutrients that are needed in the food that I eat so I take natural supplements to help make sure that I receive enough of the nutrients to sustain a healthy diet. I take a multi vitamin, B complex, green Tea, vitamin C and E and the rest of your amino acids, CoQ-10 for your heart, Glucosamine Chondroitin with MSN for the joints and DHEA. Additional supplements for my weight training are NO2, Glutamine and Creatine which I take for 6 to 8 months out of the year. I stop using Creatine during the summer months for a couple of reasons, one being that I believe that my body adapts to the use and I received very little benefit from it, the other being with the water retention I get from it leaves me with a softer smoother look. When I stop using Creatine I do not lose much in size but people tell me that I look bigger, I would imagine that is because I am more define and cut. The best way for me to take Glutamine and Creatine is to mix it with my whey protein before and after my workouts. My strength and endurance is incredible during my workouts and it helps my muscles to start repairing themselves right after my workout. I have tried other ways to use and the timing for these supplements but this way for me is far superior over the others.

I am very proud of my mind set and what I have achieved in fitness and health. It feels great to be able to walk around feeling good and feeling good about yourself. Others do notice when you have that kind of confidence within yourself. It is also very nice to be able to go to the beach or pool and do not have to hide under a shirt because of being overweight. I get a kick out of people when they do a double take while I am at the beach. I believe that is because at first look they notice the shape that I am in, and then they notice my age. Even just recently I attended a fitness expo here in California and my achievement and dedication was acknowledged by the people that I admire in fitness. I never felt more comfortable in my life. I love it and I never want to stop training!

For anyone that who wants to get started getting fit later in life, as I did, just remember that you are not a kid anymore and are more prone to injuries. Do not go in there thinking that you can lift heavy weights and build large muscles overnight. I know that the enthusiasm and adrenaline rush is great but wisdom and knowledge will keep you from injuries! I know from by my own past experience when I injured my shoulder by lifting heavy and without using proper form. My Doctor says that my shoulder will never get better it will need to be replaced, so now I live in pain most of the time. I had to learn how to workout around the pain and the lack of my shoulder's mobility. So study up on weight training exercises, ask questions and most of all be smart about it!

Do not try to learn everything before you start, it will just get confusing. Learn as you go and use the first few weeks gaining knowledge and experience. Work all your body parts equally, if you do not you may end up with a non-reversible damage as I did! When I was bench pressing my chest was strong but my shoulders were lagging, so one day I was benching about 235 and my shoulder gave out. It was too late for me, for the damage had already been done to my shoulder, but from that day on I trained all body parts equally and it has kept me from any further injuries. Use more controlled movements by using cable or machines, once your body adapts to training and you gain some strength then go with the combination of free weights and machines. In order to get the most benefit out of your workouts you have to incorporate some form of free weights. Again remember we are not as young as we use to be so we will be using more cable and machines now.

One of the most important things to remember is to be consistent and keep working out, that is where it will be the most beneficial to you. In the 13 years that I have been lifting I never have missed more than 2 weeks at any one time and that was either due to illness or vacation. Even when I was gone on vacation I would manage to workout a couple of times, just so when I got back to the gym I would not be so sore when I started working out again.

Being a little older it does take more time for your muscles to recover, so make sure when you train a particular muscle group that rest them 2 days or more before working them again. Muscles will grow at our age; I have put on approximately 5 pounds of muscle over the past 5 months mostly because I have had more time to devote to the gym. With the combination of my enthusiasm for fitness and muscle gains over the past few months I'm going to keep on pushing myself to see how far that I can go for as long as I can! I will never be able to compete in fitness or body building because of my shoulder injury even in the senior division. Although I have! found ways to work around my injury, if there is a will there is a way, but I cannot develop my shoulders enough in order to compete, trust me if I could I would. So now I have to be grateful and satisfied to be able to do the best that I can, with what I can, for as long as I can, or until I die. My friends joke with me and say; if I was ever hospitalized that they would have to bring me a set of dumbbells to workout with in order to keep me there.

Now that we all know that you cannot use your age as an excuse anymore, let's get off that couch and get started! You will never know until you do it, you might like it, but at very least your health will benefit from it!?

Lynn GlennLynn Glenn is a 61 year old natural athlete who started training at the ripe young age of 48. Lynn lives in southern california, and serves as a tremedous inspiration for many "mature" weightlifters in the gym that are trying to look better, feel better, and beat the crap out of father time. To contact Lynn, visit Lynn at

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Slow down aging is the key to combating diseases

A group of aging experts from the US and UK suggest that the best strategy for the prevention and management of a variety of chronic diseases is to focus on the slowdown in biological processes of ageing.

"The traditional medical approach to attacking individual ailments-cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease-soon be less effective if we cannot determine how these diseases interact or share common mechanisms with aging," S. Jay Olshansky says Professor of epidemiology at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of public health and senior author of the comment.

Middle-aged and older people are most commonly used by simultaneous but independent medical conditions would have betroffen.Eine cure for each of the major killer diseases only a marginal impact on life expectancy and the length of healthy living, Olshansky said.

The authors suggest that a new paradigm of health promotion and disease could not produce never been social, economic and health dividends for current and future generations if the aging population with advanced healthy life years is provided.

Note that all living creatures, including humans, have biochemical mechanisms that affect how quickly we age and by dietary intervention or genetic modification, it is possible to move to extend life, diseases and aging-related processes.

Further research in laboratory models is expected to provide references and deeper understanding as existing interventions, such as exercise and good

Diet, can cause lifelong well-being.

The authors suggest also greatly increased funding for basic research in the "basic cellular and physiological changes, to drive the aging."

"" We believe that the potential benefits of slow aging processes were underrecognized by most of the scientific community have, said Olshansky.""We demand health research to support decision makers to significant resources and develop practical interventions that assign slow ageing in people."

The time for a "systematic attack on aging itself", this the authors of which makes age-related diseases and rising health care costs increase write.

Olshansky and colleagues claim that the modern medicine to extend invested efforts to life, and argue that a fresh emphasis on aging more efficient has the potential to improve health and quality of life than is currently possible.

Olshansky's co-authors are Dr. Robert Butler of the International Longevity Center in New York, Dr. Richard Miller of the University of Michigan, Daniel Perry of the Alliance for aging research, in Washington, Bruce Carnes and Dr. Marie-Bernard of the University of Oklahoma, Dr. t. Franklin Williams of the University of Rochester, Dr Christine Cassel by the American Board of internal medicine in Philadelphia, Dr. Jacob Brody UIC, Linda Partridge of University College London, Thomas Kirkwood Newcastle University and Dr. George Martin of the American Federation for aging research and University of Washington.

The analysis is posted on

View the original article here