Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Delete skin wrinkles and sun spots to kill this new procedure

Previous laser treatment for wrinkles and other textural things like acne scars uses to create significan laser_skin resurfacing t wounded. Today, the new surgical skin resurfacing treatment exists, create amazing results with fewer side effects.

Previous laser treatment for wrinkles and other textural issues such as acne scars to create significant injury, "according to Dr. Jeffrey Orringer, Director of the U-M cosmetic dermatology and Laser Center."

"While results were terrific downtime last laser skin resurfacing technologies for patient was significant, and the risks has been significant." As technology improves, the pendulum methodology swung the other way, less risk, but with less pronounced results.Today new surgical skin resurfacing treatment, with a fractional CO2 laser offer both improved results with much fewer side effects, "according to Orringer."

The carbon laser beam is divided into numerous microscopically thin beams, the skin strike and evaporation Sun damaged or scars website.This causes that the skin to tighten, and during healing, produce collagen - protein responsible for skin texture and appearance.

"The small micro bar evaporate basically small pillars of tissue that last two to three days around back to seal" Orringer says."While this healing time, as the skin back together the lost volume essentially created a firming of the skin. also is these columns of the skin where the beam delivers heat, very reproducible creates a mechanism wound healing, which partially leads to the formation of new collagen in the skin."

In addition to smoothen fine lines and wrinkles, says Orringer patients, take the fractional CO2 laser treatment can expect a more even skin tone, as well as results that last for years, not weeks or months.

"To produce collagen, the molecule that really tried this procedure, the body has a half-life of about 15 years." We would expect that, as far as improving patients based on collagen production, a very long time would take their results ", he says."

The carbon dioxide surgical skin treatment procedure takes 45 to 90 minutes.

A current anaesthesia is cream on the field is applied, treated and admissible for about an hour soaking.

Patients are then tiny injections lidocaine to numb in addition the most sensitive parts of the face.

Make sure wrinkles are removed as close to the eyes as possible are protect patients eye shields the laser on the skin given until line can be applied to the eyelash.

"Patients are treated in two passes.""In the first half deeply on the skin lines, atrophic scars and similar actions work on deep," says Orringer."The second, more superficial pass focuses usually affect more blending skin tones and get rid of sun spots and uneven pigmentation."

While the immediate effects of laser treatment include redness, clear serum swelling and oozing liquid called, initial healing takes place primarily within three to four days.

The serum proteins that help containing the skin to heal, still out on the surface of the skin regularly while few days seep the first as the microscopic holes begin to close.

Orringer says, by the third or fourth day it essentially no wound care requires other than applying a thick moisturizer.

Redness gradually scattered across one or two weeks in most patients.

"" The patients experienced an immediate improvement during the treatment the laser, your skin heating zugeordnet.Die collagen contracts make the skin appear instantly firmer "says Orringer.""However, more the kind of improvement collagen production refers to the several weeks in a few months complete continue to see improvements in your skin after the treatment for the first three or four months werden.Patienten."

"As with any surgery or medical treatment there risks. for fractional CO2 laser treatment says Orringer that are relatively small risks.""Concerns such as infection and scarring and skin discoloration are certainly theoretical possibilities and it is something that patients should discuss with your doctor," he says.

Iterates through fractional CO2 laser treatment for those who are considering, Orringer stressed that you should consider:

The setting in which you intend to undergo the procedure.

Who will carry out the treatment?

What exact is used?

The education level of the team of that is going to do the procedure.

"Regulation of laser use differently to Zustand.Dies is a moderately-invasive procedures in some places legally by non-medical personnel erfolgt.Obwohl treatment very safe, if is carried out by experienced doctors complications can view auftreten.meiner should a doctor with specialized training in laser therapy, patients find," says Orringer

View the original article here

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