Monday, October 25, 2010

Component of niacin may point the way to the anti-aging drugs

In recent years scientists have discovered that a family of enzymes Sirtuins called life in organisms as diverse as yeast, worms and fly dramatically expand can. A number of scientific groups and biotechnology companies are eagerly looking for capable, Sirtuin activity, increase drug candidates in the hope to develop a "anti-ageing" drug. Now, a new study on a different strategy for enabling Sirtuins to unleash your anti-aging powers shows. Naturally occurring substances have shown, Sirtuins, enable resveratrol - including part of red wine called a clinically effective dose, derive although a person would need about two cases of wine per day of resveratrol to drink. Nevertheless the findings have attracted a number of scientific groups and biotechnology companies, of all drug candidates boost now eagerly seeking activity able Sirtuin. The public health benefits that such a "anti-ageing" would drug significant - be as economic returns. Now, shows a new study by scientists at the Wistar Institute on a different strategy for enabling Sirtuins to unleash your anti-aging powers. A report on research the February 9 Edition displays of molecular cell and a podcast interview with the study senior author, Ronen marble stone, Ph.d, Professor in gene expression and regulation program at Wistar, are available at the same time on the Institute Web site ( Use the techniques of structural biology, demonstrates the Wistar team a component of the common vitamin B3, also known as niacin to a specific Web site on the Sirtuin molecule binds to inhibit their activities. This observation suggests that drugs to prevent the component could vitamin B3, NICOTINAMIDE, from binding to this site the effect of enabling Sirtuins. Any such medication would essentially inhibit the inhibitory effect of NICOTINAMIDE. As in mathematics, the two negative would create a positive - activation of the Sirtuins. "Our results a new avenue for design Sirtuin activation drugs, beat", says marble stone. "The jury is still out whether a drug of this type could result in longer life in humans, but I'm also excited by the way, helping such interventions could prevent age-related health problems such as obesity and type II diabetes." The NICOTINAMIDE binding site can be an especially attractive drug target for other reasons according to marble. His group hopes now, rational drug design techniques to create such a drug use. "Many medicines adverse effects have, because in addition to the intended target, the drugs other biologically active molecules hit, not want to affect you," he says. "This NICOTINAMIDE binding site that we have identified seems clearly to the Sirtuins, so if capable of designing a molecule to you as a target, it should be we very specific for these Sirtuin molecules." Also links to a number of observations about calorie diets and longevity long marble's research on Sirtuins. "People have known for some time that low-calorie diet score in life extension in many organisms, but you did not know why," he says. "Recent research has shown that the connection works at least in part by these Sirtuin molecules." The lead author on the molecular cell study is Brandi D. Sanders at the Wistar Institute. Kehao Zhao, Ph.d, formerly at Wistar and now Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research Inc. in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a coauthor as James t. Slama is Ph.d, with the College of Pharmacy at the University of Toledo, Ohio. Medium to support the research enhancement program research was universal of the national institutes of health and the Commonwealth of the Pennsylvania Department of health provided. The Wistar Institute is an international leader in biomedical research, with particular expertise in cancer research and vaccine development. Founded in 1892 as the first independent non-profit Biomedical Research Institute in the country, Wistar has kept long renowned Cancer Center called of the National Cancer Institute. Discoveries at Wistar the rubella vaccine have led to the creation, the disease in the United States, rabies vaccines, around the world, and a new rotavirus vaccine exterminated approved in 2006. Wistar researchers have identified many cancer genes and monoclonal antibodies and other important research tools developed. Today Wistar researchers home of eminent melanoma and pioneering scientists working on experimental vaccines against influenza, HIV and other diseases. The Institute actively its invention to the commercial sector to ensure that progress from the lab to the clinic as soon as possible move research transfer. The Wistar Institute: today's discoveries - tomorrow's cures. On the Web at

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