A simple blood test to detect whether a person could develop Alzheimer's disease is in sight and could eventually help, scientists in your quest toward reverse Alzheimer's onset in which to develop the debilitating neurological disease probably.? Based on a study that older people has started 20 years ago with a population in northern Manhattan at risk or in various stages of development of Alzheimer's disease'se, a Columbia University Medical Center Research Group provided breakthrough results, the change treated the manner of Alzheimer's or to prevent it could one day. These results indicate that by looking at the blood doctors may be located, a person, the predisposition to the development of dementia-inducing disease, a person deprived your memory to recognize and ability essential tasks. Results online in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences during the week of September 8, 2008 presented suggest that a particular persons with increased peptide in blood plasma, amyloid-beta-42 (Ass42), increased risk are for the development of Alzheimer's disease, decline of Ass42 into the blood stream can play, the Division of tasks and "Traffic jam" Ass42 in the brain the in of people with Alzheimer's disease of the brain. "So far Ass42 levels most reliably JC, measured in the liquor that is more difficult to collect blood," said Nicole Schupf, Ph.d, p.h., Associate Professor of clinical epidemiology at Columbia University Medical Center and lead author of the paper. "Blood draws with relative ease to be made and more often than spinal taps, typically the way and way liquor is JC." In this study, the researchers found that levels of Ass42 displayed are to increase before the onset of Alzheimer's disease and the decline shortly after the beginning of dementia. Researchers suspect that Ass42 can get into the brain that could make up for the decline in levels post dementia. The principal investigator of the northern Manhattan study Richard Mayeux, m.d, m.s., Professor of Neurology, psychiatry, and epidemiology and Co-Director of the Taub, the statement compares to something similar, that is seen Institute of research on Alzheimer's disease and the aging brain at CUMC, in heart attack patients have collected usually blood lipid levels in their blood stream before a heart attack can reduce but post heart attack lipid levels. With more specific antibodies developed by Ravetch laboratory at the Rockefeller University researchers have in promoting the most harmful form of amyloid composite, Protofibrillar form from ACE, according to Dr. Mayeux, who is the lead author of this paper. While the cognitive impairments of Alzheimer's disease in the entire course of the disease can be monitored, doctors have not a reliable way, had to monitor the pathological progression of Alzheimer's disease. Knowing how ACE levels in the blood measure reliably clinicians with a tool could provide that much earlier predicts the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Of early detection course would be an important step in combating Alzheimer's disease, researchers said. This research is supported by a program project grant from the national institutes of Health National Institute of aging. Other authors on the paper by the Columbia University Medical Center include Ming x. Tang, Ph.d, Jennifer manly, Ph.d, and Howard Andrews, Ph.d. The Department of Immunology at New York State Institute for basic research in developmental disabilities, Staten Iceland, New York, also contributed to this research. A picture of a brain tissue coated with amyloid plaque is a copy PNAS paper is available on request. The numb Institute for Alzheimer's disease and the aging brain at Columbia University Medical Center is a multidisciplinary group, the links between researchers and clinicians reveal the causes of Alzheimer's disease, age-related brain diseases and ways discover Parkinson's disease and other to prevent and forged to cure these diseases. Deaf neuroscientist partner with researchers at the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center at Columbia University Medical Center, a foundation in 1977 to by focus, founded in diseases of the nervous system. The Sergievsky Center integrates traditional epidemiology with genetic analysis and clinical examination for exploring all phases of diseases of the nervous system. For more information about these centers CUMC visit: http://www.cumc.columbia.edu/dept/taub/ or
http://www.cumc.Columbia.edu/Dept/sergievsky/. Columbia University Medical Center offers international leadership in basic, preclinical and clinical research in medical and health sciences education and patient care. The medical centre train future leaders and includes work involved many doctors, scientists, public health professionals, dentists and nurses at the College of physicians and surgeons, the Mailman School of public health, the College of dental medicine, the school of nursing, the bio-medical departments of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and allied research centres and institutions. Founded in the year 1767, Columbia's College of physicians and surgeons was the first institution of the country granting the m.d and is among the most selective medical schools in the country. Columbia University Medical Center is home to the largest medical research company in New York City and State, and one of the largest in the United States.For more information, please visit http://www.cumc.columbia.edu. About Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain, characterized by impairment of memory and lastly by errors in the reasoning, planning, language and perception. Alzheimer's disease is the leading cause of dementia that afflicts 24 million people worldwide. The Alzheimer's disease is not a normal part of aging and is not something inevitably happens later in life.It is rarely before the age of 65 gesehen.Die probability of having Alzheimer's disease increases considerably after the age of 70 and can affect approximately 50% of people in the age of 85.
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