Sunday, October 31, 2010
Accordingly new popular Antiageing supplement has no economic effects
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the silent disease that causes loss of sight
About 200,000 age-related macular degeneration (AMD) get diagnosed every year. Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of loss of vision in the adult age 60 and older. It affects the macula that section of the eye focuses on fine detail. As a result, causes AMD the sharp, central vision loss for normal daily tasks such as, for example, reading and travel is required. This disease although it both sexes are affected, it affects women more frequently than men, according to several large studies under the direction of the Wills Eye Institute in Philadelphia.
Risk factors
Age is the biggest risk factor for AMD.Abgesehen other risk factors include age:
Sex (AMD affects women more than men;)(Women live longer) SmokingObesityFamily history race (European adults are more likely to lose vision of AMD as African Americans).The silent disease
AMD can sneak on people, because it can gradually progress and beinhaltet.Aufgrund of these factors can no pain the AMD progress, without being noticed until it's too late, and vision in both eyes cause kann.deshalb it is so important to get regular eye exams.
Early detection is the key
Early detection can slow the loss of vision.
Treatment options
Treatment options include:
Drugs,Laser therapies
Vitamins and
Vision support the devices.
Thanks to the technology, there are many new treatments on the horizon.These include:
Anti-VEGF (Vascular Endothelial growth factor) drugs.Anti-VEGF drugs to prevent new blood vessel formation, the cause of a type of AMD, and regular injections into the Auge.Die require newer drugs work by destroying strands of messenger RNA that for the production of harmful proteins responsible require fewer injections.Newer drugs, including small interfering RNA.To reduce the incidence of Intravitreal injection of older drugs.Warning signs
There are also signs the AMD zugeordnet.Wenn experience the following symptoms of vision, contact an eye care specialist:
AMD can be diagnosed in a routine eye examination.
The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years for senior citizens at the age of 65, and every two to four years for adults between 40 and 65.Your eye doctor can you also a special diagram known an Amsler grid, you take with you and use to identify early problems.
When AMD runs in your family, we recommend that you speak an ophthalmologist appropriate screening measures.Saturday, October 30, 2010
Cell mutations to age to apoptosis lead may according to recent bear.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Blood test to identify Alzheimer's risk on the horizon Columbia University Medical Center offers international leadership in basic, preclinical and clinical research in medical and health sciences education and patient care. The medical centre train future leaders and includes work involved many doctors, scientists, public health professionals, dentists and nurses at the College of physicians and surgeons, the Mailman School of public health, the College of dental medicine, the school of nursing, the bio-medical departments of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and allied research centres and institutions. Founded in the year 1767, Columbia's College of physicians and surgeons was the first institution of the country granting the m.d and is among the most selective medical schools in the country. Columbia University Medical Center is home to the largest medical research company in New York City and State, and one of the largest in the United States.For more information, please visit About Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain, characterized by impairment of memory and lastly by errors in the reasoning, planning, language and perception. Alzheimer's disease is the leading cause of dementia that afflicts 24 million people worldwide. The Alzheimer's disease is not a normal part of aging and is not something inevitably happens later in life.It is rarely before the age of 65 gesehen.Die probability of having Alzheimer's disease increases considerably after the age of 70 and can affect approximately 50% of people in the age of 85.
Hyaluronic Acid Can Make You More Confident In Your Own Skin Posted By : Claudia Phillips
May cognitive function and brain improve efficiency simple lifestyle changes.
A UCLA research study that in the June issue of the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry published found that people be able to improve their cognitive function and brain efficiency by you healthy simple lifestyle changes such as such as integrating memory exercises, diet, fitness and stress in your daily life may
"We have known for years that diet and exercise can help people maintain their physical health and living longer, but maintaining mental health is as important", said project manager, Gary small, m.d, Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and human behavior at UCLA. "The UCLA study is the first show of the impact of memory exercises and stress reduction, along with a healthy diet and physical activity are used to improve brain and cognitive function." Researchers found that after 14 days following strategies, study healthy lifestyle participants brain metabolism decreased in the work areas that suggested an increased efficiency ? the brain to work as hard to tasks. For the two-week trial, 17 topics with normal baseline memory performance results were randomly allocated two groups: a control group made no changes behavior while a test group healthy longevity strategies for improving the physical and mental function.Details of the healthy strategies in the study are busy highlighted in small's new book, today released, called "the longevity Bible: 8 essential strategies for keeping your mind sharp and your body young" (Hyperion, New York, 2006) .Teilnehmer healthy longevity scheduled the following into your daily routine:Stimulate to the brain, memory exercises conducted cross word puzzles and brainteasers throughout the day. Improve physical fitness, took participants daily walks to increase life expectancy and lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease found. Improve your diet, participants ate five small meals a day, the drop in blood glucose levels, on the plan prevented because glucose is the main source of energy for the brain. In addition, they ate a balanced diet full of Omega-3 fats, antioxidants and low Glycemic carbohydrates like whole grains. Participants conducted to stress to manage, daily exercises. Small notes that stress causes body cortisol, a hormone that publish, memory and damage affect memory can brain cells. Brain function tested before and after the 14-day study, scans use Positron Emission Tomography (PET) to measure brain activity. Who the healthy longevity lifestyle plan followed demonstrated a five percent reduction in brain metabolism in the part of the brain related directly to memory, called the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex. "The finding suggests that the brain works more efficiently for those who had pursued the healthy longevity program and needed use not enough glucose to effectively," said small. In addition, performed by the same brain region compared control participants better in verbal fluency a cognitive function, the controlled. "Research shows that in just 14 days changes can simple lifestyle not only general health help, but also memory and brain improve function,", said small. "Our next step is the single impact each lifestyle approach that helps to develop an optimal combination." The study was the Fran and Ray stark Foundation for for Alzheimer's disease research, the Judith Elgart show on aging financed Fund for research on brain aging and the Parlow Solomon Chair.Co-authors were from UCLA study and Daniel Silverman, m.d, Ph.d., Prabha Siddarth, Ph.d., Linda Ercoli Ph.d, Karen Miller, Ph.d, Helen Lavretsky, m.d., Benjamin Wright, m.d., Susan Bookheimer, Ph.d., Jorge Barrio, Ph.d., and Michael Phelps, Ph.d.The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, published monthly, is the Official Journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry and can appliance.the online found American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry ( is a national, represents and mission is serving its members and the field of geriatric Psychiatrie.AAGP's to improve the knowledge base and standard of practice in geriatric psychiatry through education and research and support for the mental health needs of older Americans.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
What to Expect When Using Argireline Posted By : Jenny Angrove
Over the Counter Lip Enhancers will deliver on promises
Hyaluronic Acid Serum Offers Moisturizing without the Greasy Feel Posted By : Claudia Phillips
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Study suggests, insufficient sleep cellular may exacerbate ageing well in the elderly
Sleeping in mice is characterized by short periods of inactivity, all day and night.Mice you sleep to deprive mice sleep on average about an hour for every two awake, researchers constantly monitored and gently stroked to disturb the mice with a brush in activities.
3, 6, 9 Or 12 hours sleep deprivation proteins from the mouse untersucht.Von six hours of sleep deprivation brain were young mice showed that the UPR system in place was because protein synthesis was turned off by a chaperone protein called GDP GRP78.In contrast, no BiP/GRP78 in old mice continued were so protein synthesis.
Old less of proteins of that inject abnormal proteins than young mice mice and cell death had more old mice of proteins, disrupt as young mice are fuhren.So multiple processes in old mouse brains of sleep deprivation and the overall result is a more collection of misfolded proteins."We could speculate, fault at older people make an additional burden on a stated - protein folding - and reduce system sleep", Naidoo says.
Future studies will examine whether multiplication key the effects of aging delay protective proteins and reduces sleep disorders.
Study co-author are Megan Ferber, Monali study was funded on aging master, Yan Zhu and Allan Pack, all Penn.Die by the National Institute.
Benefits of DIY Anti-Aging Skin Care Posted By : Stuart Michael
Delete skin wrinkles and sun spots to kill this new procedure

Previous laser treatment for wrinkles and other textural issues such as acne scars to create significant injury, "according to Dr. Jeffrey Orringer, Director of the U-M cosmetic dermatology and Laser Center."
"While results were terrific downtime last laser skin resurfacing technologies for patient was significant, and the risks has been significant." As technology improves, the pendulum methodology swung the other way, less risk, but with less pronounced results.Today new surgical skin resurfacing treatment, with a fractional CO2 laser offer both improved results with much fewer side effects, "according to Orringer."
The carbon laser beam is divided into numerous microscopically thin beams, the skin strike and evaporation Sun damaged or scars website.This causes that the skin to tighten, and during healing, produce collagen - protein responsible for skin texture and appearance.
"The small micro bar evaporate basically small pillars of tissue that last two to three days around back to seal" Orringer says."While this healing time, as the skin back together the lost volume essentially created a firming of the skin. also is these columns of the skin where the beam delivers heat, very reproducible creates a mechanism wound healing, which partially leads to the formation of new collagen in the skin."
In addition to smoothen fine lines and wrinkles, says Orringer patients, take the fractional CO2 laser treatment can expect a more even skin tone, as well as results that last for years, not weeks or months.
"To produce collagen, the molecule that really tried this procedure, the body has a half-life of about 15 years." We would expect that, as far as improving patients based on collagen production, a very long time would take their results ", he says."
The carbon dioxide surgical skin treatment procedure takes 45 to 90 minutes.
A current anaesthesia is cream on the field is applied, treated and admissible for about an hour soaking.
Patients are then tiny injections lidocaine to numb in addition the most sensitive parts of the face.
Make sure wrinkles are removed as close to the eyes as possible are protect patients eye shields the laser on the skin given until line can be applied to the eyelash.
"Patients are treated in two passes.""In the first half deeply on the skin lines, atrophic scars and similar actions work on deep," says Orringer."The second, more superficial pass focuses usually affect more blending skin tones and get rid of sun spots and uneven pigmentation."
While the immediate effects of laser treatment include redness, clear serum swelling and oozing liquid called, initial healing takes place primarily within three to four days.
The serum proteins that help containing the skin to heal, still out on the surface of the skin regularly while few days seep the first as the microscopic holes begin to close.
Orringer says, by the third or fourth day it essentially no wound care requires other than applying a thick moisturizer.
Redness gradually scattered across one or two weeks in most patients.
"" The patients experienced an immediate improvement during the treatment the laser, your skin heating zugeordnet.Die collagen contracts make the skin appear instantly firmer "says Orringer.""However, more the kind of improvement collagen production refers to the several weeks in a few months complete continue to see improvements in your skin after the treatment for the first three or four months werden.Patienten."
"As with any surgery or medical treatment there risks. for fractional CO2 laser treatment says Orringer that are relatively small risks.""Concerns such as infection and scarring and skin discoloration are certainly theoretical possibilities and it is something that patients should discuss with your doctor," he says.
Iterates through fractional CO2 laser treatment for those who are considering, Orringer stressed that you should consider:
The setting in which you intend to undergo the procedure.
Who will carry out the treatment?
What exact is used?
The education level of the team of that is going to do the procedure.
"Regulation of laser use differently to Zustand.Dies is a moderately-invasive procedures in some places legally by non-medical personnel erfolgt.Obwohl treatment very safe, if is carried out by experienced doctors complications can view auftreten.meiner should a doctor with specialized training in laser therapy, patients find," says Orringer
Hyaluronic Acid Changes What Your Skin Says About You Posted By : Claudia Phillips
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Summer skin care tips help you look younger. and live longer
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Wrinkle Cream with Snap-8 Is Like Botox But Safer Posted By : Jenny Angrove
Forgetful? You can be your memory more than just lose

The study, which saw 120 people in the age of 60, found people who complained about significant memory problems but had nor mass density in their brains, although they were not diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a transition stage between normal aging had reduced gray normal performance on memory tests and the more serious problems with Alzheimer's disease.
Compared to healthy individuals found the study who had complained about significant memory issues a three percent reduction in gray mass density in an area known for memory important; It was a four percent reduction between individuals diagnosed with MCI.
"Significant memory loss complaints may be a very early stage of the"pre "MCI dementia for some people." "This is important because early detection will be critical because drugs change new disease, in an effort developed are to slow down and ultimately to prevent Alzheimer's disease," said study author Andrew Saykin, PsyD, Professor of Radiology at Dartmouth Medical School in Lebanon, New Hampshire, and a member of the American Academy of Neurology and Psychiatry. While normal aging, MCI and Alzheimer's disease associated with the loss of gray matter in the brain, this is probably the first study, quantitatively examine the severity level of cognitive complaints in older adults and directly assess the relationship to the gray matter loss. Saykin says the results underscore the importance of cognitive complaints in older adults, and suggest that those complaints about serious storage problems should be evaluated and monitored closely in the course of time. Memory complaints, a cardinal feature of MCI, which gives high risk for Alzheimer's disease, are reported in 25 to 50 - percent of the older adult population. The study was supported by the National Institute on Aging, Alzheimer's Association, the Hitchcock Foundation, the IRA DeCamp Foundation, the National Science Foundation, NH hospital and the National Alliance for medical image computing.The American Academy of Neurology, an Association of more than 19,000 neurologists and neuroscience professionals, neurologist dedicated to improving patient care through education and Forschung.Ein is a medical doctor with training in Diagnostics, treatment, and specializes in managing diseases of the brain and nervous system such as Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and stroke. Visit for more information about the American Academy of Neurology. Reference: September 12, 2006, issue of Neurology, the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology.The Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia that afflicts 24 million people worldwide a slowly progressive disease of the brain that ist.Alzheimer disease is characterized by impairment of memory and lastly by errors in the reasoning, planning, language and perception. The Alzheimer's disease is not a normal part of aging and is not something inevitably happens later in life.It is rarely before the age of 65 gesehen.Die probability of having Alzheimer's disease increases considerably after the age of 70 and can affect approximately 50% of people in the age of 85.
A transitional period between normal aging and dementia is mild cognitive impairment, according to background information in the article.Previous studies have found an association between mild cognitive impairment and diabetes.Poor blood sugar control during which neuron loss can cause time and diabetes is heart disease and stroke, which can increase the risk of cognitive impairment associated with.
Dementia is a progressive brain dysfunction (in Latin "dementia" means irrationality), which results in a restriction of daily activities and in most cases in the long term leads to the need for the Pflege.Demenz that most can cause many diseases a being of Alzheimer's disease.
The probability with dementia increases with advancing Alter.Demenz occurs mainly in the second half of our lives, often after age 65 Jahren.Die incidence of dementia increases with the increasing age of less than 2% for the 65-69 year olds, 5% for the year 75-79 years old and more than 20% for the year 85-89-jahrigen.Jeder third person suffers of moderate or severe dementia over 90 years alt.Etwa suffer half of affected by dementia in Alzheimer's disease.Monday, October 25, 2010
What Is Argireline and What Does It Do? Posted By : Jenny Angrove
Component of niacin may point the way to the anti-aging drugs
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Is Hyaluronic Acid Serum Worth the Cost? Posted By : Claudia Phillips
Recent advances make more effective and easier to use more sunscreen
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With spring in the air, most of us will be arming ourselves with all the essentials that warm weather brings ? flip flops, shorts, sunglasses, sun hats and, of course, sunscreen. The available options in sunscreen protection have become more plentiful than ever, including formulations offering a smoother application or enhanced protection from ultraviolet (UV) light. Fortunately, dermatologists can help you sort through the sunscreen clutter ? separating marketing hype from proven science.
Dermatologist Zoe D. Draelos, MD, FAAD, from High Point, N.C., recently discussed the advances that are making sunscreens more effective and more cosmetically acceptable, including higher Sun Protection Factors (SPFs), UVA protection, smaller particles of active ingredients, and enhanced stability during sun exposure. In addition, she addressed new sunscreen ingredients not yet approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that she hopes will provide consumers with broader UV protection in the future. Yet, Dr. Draelos also indicated the need for caution in the use of combination insect repellent and sunscreen products as the warm weather approaches.
“Sunscreens have really evolved over the years, as we now have a variety of formulations ? from creams and gels to lotions and sprays ? that more effectively protect the skin from the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays,” said Dr. Draelos. “In the past, a common complaint was that sunscreens felt too sticky or gritty when applied and therefore people avoided applying or reapplying them. But now, more refined formulations have been developed that make sunscreens smoother to the touch and less greasy ? making them easier to wear by themselves or under makeup.”
The SPF number on sunscreens largely reflects the product’s ability to screen out UVB rays, the sun’s shorter wavelength UV rays that are primarily linked to sunburn and skin cancer. In August 2007, the FDA proposed to increase the maximum SPF ratings for sunscreens and categorize the SPF factor, from the lowest to highest protection, to help guide consumers with this selection. Importantly, the FDA also acknowledged that sunscreens should reflect their ability to provide protection from UVA rays. UVA rays are longer UV wavelengths that can pass through window glass and penetrate deeper into the skin. These rays are primarily linked to premature aging and wrinkling of the skin, but the latest scientific evidence indicates that they may also contribute to the development of skin cancer. While the FDA’s 2007 Proposed Sunscreen Monograph has not been finalized, dermatologists are hopeful that the new SPF and UVA protection rating systems will be developed for sunscreens under the new regulations.
So what are consumers to do while awaiting implementation of the FDA’s final rule? While the broad range of currently available SPFs can be confusing, Dr. Draelos explained that higher SPFs do offer incremental protection from the sun’s UV rays.
“It’s important to note that an SPF of 50 doesn’t offer twice the UV protection of an SPF of 25, but a higher SPF can be beneficial for people with very fair complexions or in instances where a person is going on vacation to a very tropical or sun-intense climate,” stated Dr. Draelos. Dr. Draelos also indicated that the American Academy of Dermatology (Academy) recommends a minimum of SPF15 regardless of skin type, and also commented on the importance of selecting a sunscreen that offers UVA protection as well. “Without the FDA’s UVA rating system, this selection is more difficult, but consumers should look for products that indicate ‘broad-spectrum’ on the label or read the active ingredients listed on the back panel." Dr. Draelos noted that a list of active ingredients to look for in broad-spectrum sunscreen can be found on the Academy’s Sunscreen Fact Sheet.
“Sunscreen, which is applied as a coating on top of the skin, has filters which absorb or scatter the UV rays,” said Dr. Draelos. While two of the main active inorganic (physical) filters in sunscreen ? zinc oxide and titanium dioxide ? are very effective in protecting the skin against UV radiation, their gritty consistency can leave a visible white film on the skin. Now, new grinding technologies, known as micronizing, can turn zinc oxide and titanium dioxide into extremely small particles that are more transparent on the surface of the skin. This grinding process allows more microfine zinc oxide or micronized titanium dioxide to be added into sunscreens, increasing the evenness of application to the skin and enhancing UV protection while making the product more cosmetically acceptable.
Another important area of sunscreen improvement is the development of formulations that are more photostable. As Dr. Draelos explained, active ingredients in sunscreen absorb or scatter UV radiation. But in doing so the sunscreen breaks down and becomes less effective, essentially decreasing its SPF and level of UV protection. This is one of the reasons that sunscreen needs to be reapplied frequently. In photostabilized sunscreen, a chemical is added to the formulation to absorb more UV radiation ? allowing the sunscreen molecule to remain unaltered and absorb or scatter UV rays for a longer period of time.
“Photostable sunscreen can be compared to playing a game of hot potato, where once the UV energy strikes the skin, the UV filters in the sunscreen want to get rid of it right away in order to remain effective by transferring it to another UV filter or other added ingredient,” said Dr. Draelos. “For example, the ingredient avobenzone used in many broad-spectrum sunscreens is very unstable when exposed to UV radiation. So, ingredients such as ecamsule, octocrylene, and oxybenzone can be added to make avobenzone more stable, provide better protection, and last longer on the skin.”
Combination products containing both insect repellent and sunscreen have become increasingly popular in recent years. Dr. Draelos explained that while these products offer the convenience of a single application, some scientific evidence indicates that the combination may actually decrease the SPF, and therefore the effectiveness, of the sunscreen component of the product.
In addition, Dr. Draelos noted that there are issues with the application of these products to achieve optimal protection against both biting insects and UV rays. “Although sunscreens should be applied liberally at least every two hours, many insect repellents should only be applied every six hours, and sparingly to exposed skin,” said Dr. Draelos. “Applying a combination product too frequently may pose the risk of insect repellent toxicity, but too few applications may cause photodamage from the lack of UV protection.” Dr. Draelos indicated that although there are many insect repellent-sunscreen products on the market, further research is needed on the efficacy and safety of these combined products, and noted that the FDA is currently considering the development of a regulatory position.
Dr. Draelos added that other UV filters are currently being considered by the FDA as new active ingredients. “The FDA regulates sunscreens as over-the-counter drugs, establishing the conditions under which these products are recognized as safe and effective. If these new active ingredients are approved, they should offer broader UV protection and provide an opportunity for superior formulations in future sunscreens. The availability of additional UV agents means you can do a better job protecting your skin against damaging UV rays.”
Dr. Draelos concluded by reminding that, in addition to wearing sunscreen, the Academy recommends that everyone Be Sun SmartSM by:
Generously applying water-resistant sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 that provides broad-spectrum protection from both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays to all exposed skin. Re-apply every two hours, even on cloudy days, and after swimming or sweating. Look for the AAD SEAL OF RECOGNITIONTM on products that meet these criteria.Wearing protective clothing, such as a long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, where possible.Seeking shade when appropriate, remembering that the sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If your shadow is shorter than you are, seek shade.Protecting children from sun exposure by playing in the shade, using protective clothing, and applying sunscreen.Using extra caution near water, snow and sand as they reflect the damaging rays of the sun which can increase your chance of sunburn.Getting vitamin D safely through a healthy diet that may include vitamin supplements. Don’t seek the sun.Avoiding tanning beds. Ultraviolet light from the sun and tanning beds can cause skin cancer and wrinkling. If you want to look like you’ve been in the sun, consider using a sunless self-tanning product, but continue to use sunscreen with it.Checking your birthday suit on your birthday. If you notice anything changing, growing, or bleeding on your skin, see a dermatologist. Skin cancer is very treatable when caught early.Monday, May 5, is Melanoma MondayR and the official launch of Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention MonthR. Through the Academy’s National Melanoma/Skin Cancer Screening Program, dermatologists volunteer to provide free skin cancer screenings in their communities. The public can visit the Academy’s Web site ( to find a free skin cancer screening in their area.
For more information about skin cancer, please visit the SkinCancerNet section on, a Web site developed by dermatologists that provides patients with up-to-date information on the treatment and management of disorders of the skin, hair and nails.
Headquartered in Schaumburg, Ill., the American Academy of Dermatology (Academy), founded in 1938, is the largest, most influential, and most representative of all dermatologic associations. With a membership of more than 15,000 physicians worldwide, the Academy is committed to: advancing the diagnosis and medical, surgical and cosmetic treatment of the skin, hair and nails; advocating high standards in clinical practice, education, and research in dermatology; and supporting and enhancing patient care for a lifetime of healthier skin, hair and nails. For more information, contact the Academy at 1-888-462-DERM (3376) or
Editor’s Note: A list of broad-spectrum sunscreen ingredients can be found on the Academy’s Sunscreen Fact Sheet at